Today’s my review stop for Golden Chariot, book 1 of the Dangerous Waters series by author Chris Karlsen. I signed up for this tour because the book summary said something about a sunken ship! You know what that means–pirate treasure! Aarrggh! (Um, yes, I have a very extensive criteria when it comes to choosing blog tours.) Anyway, quickie review down below. Be sure to check out the tour-wide giveaway at the end of this post.
Title: Golden Chariot (Dangerous Waters, Book 1)
Author: Chris Karlsen
Genre: Romance, Suspense, Thriller
Publisher: Books to Go Now
Words: 96,700Book Summary:
Myth, murder, and money clash in this gripping undersea adventure.The rare discovery of a ship sunk during the time of the Trojan War has been found off the coast of Turkey, near Troy. Charlotte Dashiell is an American nautical archaeologist and thrilled to be part of the recovery team. The wreck may contain proof of her highly controversial theory about the Trojan War.
Charlotte is present when the Turkish government agent assigned to guard the site is murdered. Her possible involvement and a questionable connection to a private collector of black market relics bring her under suspicion. Atakan Vadim is the Turkish agent sent to investigate her. Unknown to either of them, the smuggler behind the murder plans to steal a valuable artifact and frame Charlotte for the theft…after they murder her.
So, there are no real pirates in this book. Yes, you have an old sunken ship and you have treasure, and then you have archaeologists (who are apparently all gorgeous in their own ways) and you have smugglers and rich ass collectors and you have ruthless killers. Sounds exciting, right? Well, yeah it can be. The book starts out pretty exciting. And you have a team of archaeologists diving into the ocean and discovering all sorts of treasure things. For me, that’s the best part of the book — the treasure scenes, the conversations between Charlotte and Atakan, their discussions on the artifacts and history and their theories about all those things. Interesting stuff that appeal to the geek in me. I think the suspense and thriller bits are relative. This is one of those books where the key players are revealed at some point and it is just a matter of following where the story goes and finding out how it all goes down. I’m not saying it’s a boring read. You have an interesting set of characters and a great setting, and some of the scenes are exciting. The book is entertaining enough and I’m still curious about the treasure.
If you like this kind of investigative thriller–you know, one that has some kind of treasure right smack in the center of it all–you might enjoy this one.
I received a review copy of this book at no cost and with no obligations. All opinions and views expressed here are my own.
About the Author
I was born and raised in Chicago. My father was a history professor and my mother was, and is, a voracious reader. I grew up with a love of history and books.
My parents also love traveling, a passion they passed onto me. I wanted to see the places I read about, see the land and monuments from the time periods that fascinated me. I’ve had the good fortune to travel extensively throughout Europe, the Near East, and North Africa.
I am a retired police detective. I spent twenty-five years in law enforcement with two different agencies. My desire to write came in my early teens. After I retired, I decided to pursue that dream.
I currently live in the Pacific Northwest with my husband, four rescue dogs and a rescue horse.
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Check out the other participating blogs in this tour! Click here.
Hi to Corey, Caroline, Cordelia, Andalene, Bea and Marlena,
I hope everyone had a nice holiday. Sorry to come on a bit late for some comments. I’ve been doing final edits for the sequel to Golden Chariot. It’s called, Byzantine Gold and due out before the end of the month. While working on the edits I had a number of computer problems, which still aren’t fixed. We don’t know exactly what’s wrong. Grr!
Yes Marlena, I did work Chicago P.D. I worked there for 3 years before moving to Southern California and finishing out my career there.
The Iliad is such an enduring tale and I wanted to set my story in Turkey, so it seemed a natural subject to base part of my story:)
Chris K
I love suspense thrillers, but no pirates??? LOL I think I can imagine to get around that! :) That is so neat you used to be a police detective? I would love to do something like that but I am a bit old to start now. :) Did you work in the Chicago area? I grew up around there also and that can be rough! Anyhow, congratulations!
Happy Holidays,
Thanks for the giveaway!:)
Would love to read “Journey in Time” and I could really use the Amazon GC as well. All helps.
I love anything Iliad related! I want to read this!!!!
happy holidays! Thanks for the chance at the giveaway!
Could definietly use this – as well as Christmas, both my kids’ birthdays are within weeks of Christmas – one before, and one after. Hits us hard each year – this would help for sure.
Hi Daniel,
Happy holidays to you too. I hope your Thanksgiving was lovely. The year seems to have flown by.
Enjoy the upcoming weekend:)
Chris K.
happy holidays and thanks for the giveaway! – regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com
This book sounds like the perfect mix of all the genres i love to read. Thank you so much for this!
Sarah p. on RC
Hi Sarah,
It was a fun mix to write. I am doing final edits on the sequel, Byzantine Gold, now. It should be out late next month.
I also just put together a book board for Golden Chariot on my pinterest page if you’re interested:
Have a great weekend.
Chris K.
Hi to all,
Just thought I’d stop by and wish everyone a great holiday week. It’s crazy busy but hopefully fun too.
Chris K.
Hi Trisha,
I love the fact you love reading and in all different genres. I read different genres too. I love romance, thrillers, and historical fiction the best.
I hope you will find the brief blurb on Golden Chariot intriguing. An excerpt, a trailer and more info on the story can be found on my website:
Have a super day.
Chris K.
Hi Leah,
I am thrilled you like the conversations between Charlotte and Atakan and that they brought out the history “geek” in you. I love history too and feel a kinship with a fellow “geek.
I’d like to thank you for taking the time to read and review Golden Chariot. I also appreciate the opportunity to talk with your followers. I love to hear from readers and what draws them to a story.
Have a great day,
Chris Karlsen
Thank you so much for the opportunity to read your book! :)
I love reading books on my Kindle…any and all types! :)