Gawd, I can’t stop tinkering with my layout. So, I’m back to using two columns. The three columns made it look too busy, methinks. What I want, nay NEED, now is a single nice photo for my header. I want none of those free headers from the interwebs. I want something simple and personal yet striking.
Something like these:
From actress Kat Dennings’s site. Love her blog. She hasn’t blogged in a while though. I think she’s more into vlogging in Youtube.
This is Elyoo, a fashion blogger. I just found her blog through Nuffnang. Cute header, no?
I need to make this blog more personalized. It’s muy boring, friends. Maybe I should learn how to do those graphic design things. Or maybe I should book a photo shoot with Carpet Head. Hah. I’m bored today.
@moonpool: Yup, although I haven’t seen that movie. I like how she writes. She sounds so kooky. :P
@Tisha: Hmm pwede! :P
@Roma: Haha! You’ll get the hang of it! Good luck! :)
hayayay..i have the same problem :/ don’t even know how to post a picture on the header. Roma: Maan, how did you put POPJUNKLOVE on the header? Maan: Umm, insert picture? (*tone full of sarcasm) Hay. I’m soooo techie.
Book it!
Kat Dennings was the one in Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist right? :)