The awesome peeps behind Machine of Death are doing it again! They’re putting together a second volume and are on the lookout for writers and artists. If you’re interested in submitting a story or art portfolio, check out the submission guidelines. Deadline for submissions is on the 15th of July. Ain’t that the coolest? :)
I’m trying to decide right now if I should even attempt to write a story for this. Gah I don’t know if I can even commit to writing one with the deadline just a month away. I don’t want to submit anything half-assed and, frankly, I really don’t have the time to sit and conceptualize and write and edit and [insert other lame excuses here]. I think I’ll go read the book again. THAT I can do! Hey, you can read it, too, by clicking here. Yayyyyy. Awesome.
@RicAdeMus: Haha that is a great idea! :)
Maybe you could start working on a story now so you’ll be ready when they decide to do volume 3.