One of the guys I write for sent me a link to this awesome post to show as a sample of how he wants our articles to look like. I have to tell you the post really is awesome and it couldn’t have come at a better time. Needless to say, it inspired me to TRY to make 2012 my breakthrough year (ahaha!). I’m gonna do a separate post for my thoughts on that, but for now I just want to invite you to check out the post. Click click below! :)
12 Tips to Make 2012 Your Breakthrough Year
Ok so I’m a year late, but hey it’s a great time to make 2013 my breakthrough year, right?
I love #3… that’s basically the inspiration for my blog name, ((little fat notebook)), which is where I write down all my ideas all the time.
A thorough guide for me. :)
thanks for the tip.
Hope you had a great New Year!
thanks for sharing! very useful!