A doombox, the origin of the panda, a t-rex playing an asteroid arcade game, a hungry hungry hippo fighting for survival, and an uber cool black bear. Thursdays are the bomb, y’all!
Doombox (Threadless): This doombox will play the music of your doom. Wooh.
Ultimate Fusion (Threadless): By our powers combined, I am Panda!
Irony (Threadless): “Little did he know that this simple seemingly innocuous act would result in his imminent death.” That’s a line from Stranger than Fiction, one of my favorite movies ever. It is so perfect for this shirt.
Hungry Hungry Games (SnorgTees): I imagine the games would be like a race to eat all edible things in the arena. Nothing about killing other hippos.
Black Bear (DesignbyHumans): This cool black bear’s all like, “Wassup?”
So, I’m making like a cool black bear.
Wassup, peeps?
@Ricademus: Hahaha that’s funny. :D
The Stranger Then Fiction line reminds me that my wife can’t watch nature shows. Sooner or later the narrator will say “The X made a decision that would soon cost it its life” and she freaks out. I’m sorry the animal gets hurt, but her reaction makes me laugh. I know it’s not right, but…