Meet A Blogger Today! Say Hi to Ashley of booknook!

Today we have Ashley of booknook! Say hi! :) – Leah

Thanks so much to Leah for giving me the opportunity to write this guest post!

My name is Ashley and I own a book blog called booknook. My blog is still fairly new. I created it on April 11th 2012 as a way to document the books I read and jot down my thoughts about each one.

When I first decided to make the blog, I had no idea what the book blogging world was like. I didn’t realize that there was such an amazing and friendly blogging community out there! So while I originally just intended to jot down my thoughts about books, this has since proven to be a more rewarding experience than I imagined!

I’m working hard to social network and build up my blog in the community. I review a variety of different books on my blog, including young adult, fantasy, romance, historical fiction, science fiction, and paranormal. But one of my favourite parts of my blog is actually my Bitchin’ Book Blog category. This is where I post web design/development tutorials and tips to help people improve their blogs! Right now I only have two entries but I have some more exciting tutorials coming up, including how to create review indexes (by author, title, and/or year) that automatically update!

I also just started my very first book giveaway on my blog! I recently went to Cassandra Clare’s Q&A/book signing in London and got an extra copy of City of Lost Souls signed! If you want a chance to win this awesome book, check out my giveaway!

Photo of Ashley

So I guess I’ll tell you a bit about me as a person! I’m a 21 year old female splitting my time between California and the United Kingdom. I grew up in California but I decided to attend university in the United Kingdom, mainly so I could be closer to my British boyfriend!

I’ve always loved reading, ever since before I can remember. I didn’t go out with friends or even sit with people at lunch in high school. I spent all day every day in the library, devouring book after book.

When I’m not reading, I’m web designing, drawing, gaming, or playing with my adorable cat! I work as a freelance web designer and absolutely love creating new websites! This summer, one of my goals is to recreate my web design freelance portfolio to cater more towards book bloggers! I hope to create some awesome new themes for the book bloggers who use WordPress.

I guess that’s it for me! Thanks again to Leah for hosting this guest post! If you’re interested in my blog, there are a few ways you can follow me:

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