Meet a blogger today! Say hi to Michelle from Michelle Shouts Random!

 Today we have Michelle from Michelle Shouts Random! Say hi! :) – Leah 

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Hello everyone!

I’m Michelle from Michelle Shouts Random. I’d like to thank Leah for giving me an opportunity to write a guest post for you to get to know me and my blog.


I’m eighteen and live in Marikina City, Philippines. I love music, books, and writing, and I decided to make a blog because of these and because of summer boredom (but now I’m starting to get busy—school has started!). It’s just a baby—baby new. I just started it this May 2012. I’m trying to understand blogging for a while, while currently blogging. ;) So in this guest post, some of my blog description’s like, what I’m about to share in my blog.

I’m a nursing student and on my third year (first semester). No one knows of my love of writing–except for those who ask, what do you want if you don’t want nursing? I decided to not open about writing at home til I am negotiating with publishers (very wishful thinking). But if they ask, I’ll say; it’s not that I’m keeping it as a secret. I want to have my own novel, hopefully in the near future. I got the inspiration from the books that I read. I want to write with the genres I like to read: YA, sci-fi, fantasy, contemporary, music–all with the flavor of romance. Apart from sharing and saying things about the stuff I love, blogging is also a step in writing for me. I want to learn more about writing and this society and meet people.


Music has been part of my life forever. Though I’m not ‘musically talented’, I try my best to learn more about guitar. Because I want to create music. I wanted to be heard. Through writing, I can express what I feel or what I want to say on a song. Writing and music. Perfect combination, right?

In my blog, I [will] post playlists for every mood, season, or events. I [will] stay with my type of music whether the reader likes the genre/artist or not. It’s like I’m sharing my flavor on a certain mood. I also post songs, music videos, and albums; I also include my thoughts about them when I want to.


I started reading novels when I was in third year high school (almost four years ago). And that book was Twilight (don’t react negatively! It was where my love of reading started, after all). Since then, I never stopped reading. I began to learn and try different genres and authors. My love for books grew and I slowly realized I can’t imagine life without reading. From reading, I started to write part-stories (though I’ve been always a daydreamer and kept journals and diaries when I was little).

Whenever I have a crappy day, want to forget something or someone, bored, or just simply want to read, a book takes me away from home. It brings me to another world and forgets the present. And it never fails to amaze me. I love another world–especially if there’s a knight in shining armor and happy endings where I can’t find in real life. Yet.

My book reviews are simple—usually just my thoughts. I don’t like writing with spoilers because I want the other readers to experience the joyride of reading that book.

Random stuff 

Photos. Videos. Fashion. Articles. Anything under the sun–as long as it amazes me. I want to talk about them and share to the world.


As my thoughts about books, music and random things are shared, I also wanted to share my personal stuff. Like poems (at least that’s what I call them), short [fictional] stories, story/ies that have been a part of me—anything that I will be fearless to post and let the world read.

I’m not much of a talker. Shy, they say. Not even outdoor type of person. But there’s something about books, music and writing that keeps me alive. It keeps me talking, telling stories, and sharing ideas. It makes me feel like I’m heard. That’s why I love them. I want to be heard, and not everyone knows that.

Do I sound melodramatic? It does sound like I am when it comes to getting to know me, but fear me not, coz I’m a fun girl! I do laugh a lot—I love laughing!—even saying this now will make me look like I’m crazy. But really, I’m a normal girl who spends a LOT of time reading and trying to write. I know I’m new in writing and blogging but I’m willing to learn more as the time goes by and would love to meet new people and create friends.

Once again, thank you, Leah for this guest post opportunity (with my blog being new and all), for sharing some things about blogging and for being my first blog follower.

Love to all.

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