Today we have Tin from Love Saves The World! Say hi! :) – Leah
A bit about me
Hi, all! My name is Tin. I’m a stay-at-home mom to 2 kids, ages 6 and 3. I started reading romance novels when I was supposed to be too young to read them (don’t tell my mom!) then I moved on to read popular fiction and historical fiction and then young adult novels and chick lit before settling back where I started, romance novels.
I started my blog in September 2011 for a purely practical purpose: I ran out of space in my Moleskine book journal and didn’t want to spend to get another one. (More money for books!) And since blogger is free…
But I started thinking about and reviewing the books I read in November 2010, when I was planning my year-end report of what I had done, seen, tried, etc – I was embarrassed to say that I could not recall half of the books I had read that year. I realize that I had been treating books as a disposable commodity that I go through and then forget about afterwards. (This is how I wrote about it in November 2010 on my personal blog.)
I wanted to give the books I read the respect they were due – so I promised myself that I would sit to write down my thoughts about each one.
Back then, I would scribble, “That was nice” or “Loved it,” etc – but the longer I was doing it, the more I started to really think about the elements of each story. What made it work, etc.
It’s been an amazingly educational process for me and I’m enjoying every moment of it.
Why “Love Saves the World?”
Call me optimistic or hopelessly romantic, but I really believe that love can save the world. (Plus the name was available on Blogger.)
When I’m not reading historical romance novels,
I’m catching up on magazine subscriptions. My husband and I have about a dozen digital subscriptions on Zinio and I especially love reading food magazines (Food Network Magazine, Every Day with Rachael Ray, and Martha Stewart Living).
I might also be baking. I’m still trying to perfect my chocolate chip cookies — (I use the Original Tollhouse recipe but each batch comes out a bit different.)
What’s next for me and my blog?
I’m especially excited for June because it’s a month of firsts for me – this is my first guest post on another blog (Thanks again, Leah, for the opportunity!) and I’m hosting my first guest post on my blog. (K. Reed, author of the dystopian Regency romance, Dark Inheritance: Fallen Empire.)
Then there is my first year anniversary as a blogger to think about. I am definitely celebrating it in September but I’m thinking of what to do.
Lastly, a lot of my favorite authors have books scheduled for release in the second half of the year so those are books that I am looking forward to reading and reviewing.
Hi Tin!
I love your blog name and I would agree to it!
I’m a blogger too, but new. And like you, I started reading romance at a young age (don’t tell my mom, also, I didn’t tell yours! :D)–not that I’m old now. I’m eighteen. But started years ago–not so long ago.
I’m also a winner for a guest post here and I’m sending Leah mine in a while.
P.S You’ve got a nice blog and [I] followed it. :)
“(Plus the name was available on Blogger.)”
“I’ve screencapped this already for posterity.”
Lol – you’re so funny, Tin :). Congrats on the guest post, it’s interesting to read about your background.
I agree! Screencapping FTW! :) Thanks for dropping by! :)
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Oops, my reply was: :)
This is my first time! Thanks, Leah, for this wonderful opportunity!
(I’ve screencapped this already for posterity. ^_^)
Anytime, Tin! Big thanks to you, too! :)