Hurray, T-Shirt Thursday lives! I’ve been rambling about books for the last couple of weeks that I’ve decided it’s about time we do a t-shirt break, yes? :)
The first one’s for the foodies and comics lovers! Yay!
Quickly, To The Cupcave! (SnorgTees): Cupcake heroes! I can sooo imagine them “running” to the cupcave.
Spoilt by Olly Moss (Threadless): Quick! Name all the films!
The Gift of Knowledge by Jeremy Owens (Threadless): Secret libraries and shit! Or maybe it’s not so secret. It’s still cool though.
Tokyo Extreme: Part 2 by Draco (Threadless): Lovely! Incidentally, I’m going to Japan in two week. Aha! Story later. Check out Part 1 here. So cool. I WANT.
Omnomnomnivore by Aled Lewis and Abigail Lewis (Threadless): I may have posted this before, but it’s still cute. Which “vore” are you?
i so love a t-shirt! i’ve been obsessed with cutting them up lately and turning them into muscle tees :)
Oh I like to do that with too large tees! :)
I WANT the first shirt! Batman fan forever here! :)
I love it too! To the cupcave!! :D