When I was browsing through awesome t-shirt sites, I started thinking about copyright. Am I in violation of some copyright thing for re-posting these photos from these t-shirt sites? I always link back to the sources of the images I post on this blog, but is that enough? Do I need permission? Or is this actually free advertising for them? It’s kinda odd to do T-shirt Thursdays without cool photos. I do apologize if I’m in violation of some important rule. I will do some digging. Til then, enjoy these awesome tees! They are awesome and I want them.
Wolf’s Night Off by Florent Bodart (Threadless): Which one’s your favorite substitute?
Mehssimist by Mitch Ansara (Threadless): Nothing meh about this shirt at all. WANT.
Such Sweet Sorrow (TopatoCo): The day-after party photos do cause sorrow sometimes
Philosoraptor (SnorgTees): Does this guy like to discuss existentialism and stuff?
Time Machines (BustedTees): Time machines!!! Geek alert!!
I’m picking the time machine as my favorite. My daughter and I look for old tv shows and one night we found the “Time Tunnel”…the top, center design is from that show!!! very cool.
It’s my favorite one too!