Here’s one for the young ones and grownups alike. Will be posting a review soon. In the meantime, check out this adorable kids’ book, Impeccable Petunia by author Katie Christine.
Follow Petunia, the backyard hen, through a hazardous world as she discovers hidden talents, a mischievous cat named Macy and encounters all things feathered and furious.
“Impeccable Petunia is classified as being for middle school/young adult age children but I will say that as a 36 year old I found it to be a delightful book…It is a story that all children will relate to at some point in their lives but especially girls.” —Rita Reviews
“A beautiful book, one for all the family!…This is not just a story about farmyard animals, this is a story about courage, trust, mistrust, bullies, love, friendship, comedy…I can not wait to read these books to my children they will love them!” — Becky Sherriff (The Kindle Book Review)
Read an excerpt
Petunia held her breath as Melaina disappeared through the door of the coop. She peered into the doorway. Rows of slumbering hens stood on their perches, sound asleep.
She knew she couldn’t keep doing this, but she couldn’t help herself. The week Petunia had spent with Silkie filled her heart with joy like nothing else did. Not even her garden could compare. She learned something new daily and couldn’t wait for what would come next.
Taken with Silkie’s kind, thoughtful nature, Petunia pined for her friend when they were apart. In a short time, Petunia had bonded with Silkie in a way she’d never done with any other creature, especially the other hens. While Petunia loved her brood, this experience had further highlighted for her their narrow and fearful views of the world.
She knew that not all her sisters felt this way, but the ones who did left her uneasy. Chickens can be wonderful, lovely, warm creatures, but they can also react savagely under the right circumstances. Indeed, if even one hen convinces the others of her suspicions, punishment is often swift and vicious.
Yet, Petunia saw that many of the other hens remained intrigued by her adventures. They had reservations about her relationship with a human, but curiosity trumped their resistance, at least for now.
About the author:
From a young age Katie’s parents instilled in her a love of animals and art. She has many fond childhood memories of long summer afternoons spent curled up in a quiet corner of the local library. She lives in beautiful Seattle, Washington with her husband/illustrator Jonathan Edward, their Super-Sheltie, Niles and cats, Frankenstein and Penelope.
Katie Christine holds degrees from UCLA and USC, enjoys the outdoors, gardening, reading, and discovering new music.