Of books, new jobs, ultimate frisbee, and other things

You guys remember the Budweiser TV ad? Pretty cool, right? Anyway, just felt like rambling on over here. I’m falling behind my “two non book related posts a week” thing so I wanted to do a quick update plus there are a few things I’m totally excited about and I just wanted to share my little bits of “happy” with you guys!

Reading like crazy

Before anything else I just want to give you my excuse for failing all my grand blogging and writing plans. Here it is. I’m trying to go through my review list before the year ends so I’ve been reading like crazy. I have 16 books on my list for this year. Yeahboy. I know. Definitely ambitious for me, but I bit off more than I can chew so now I’m scrambling like crazy. Haven’t joined any blog tour I liked unless it’s scheduled for next year. That means I’ll probably be in trouble next year. Woohoo! Good luck to me!

Speaking of reading, I just finished one of the craziest books I’ve ever read, The Passage by Justin Cronin. It’s about a sorta-vampire-but-not-really apocalypse. Holy crap, it was terrifying. Terrified me as much as World War Z did if not more. Any type of crazy apocalypse is terrifying. Hopefully my review of monsieur Cronin’s awesome literary work won’t be as terrifying. It’s going up next week. Watch for it and be terrified… of, you know, the apocalypse.

Daring Books

Oh hey! I’m not working for NP anymore. I’m now with Daring Books, which is the brainchild of my former NP Boss Lady and her hubby. Will be basically doing the same stuff, but under a different company. We’re still starting up but it’s all pretty exciting. Check out Daring Books on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.

Manila Spirits Weekend

Yeahboy, Manila Spirits is upon us again and it’s all going down this weekend! I’m super excited because my team didn’t get to play last year, but we’re bringing it this year! YEAH. The pooling and scheds are out and we get to play against two foreign teams this Saturday. It’s always an awesome experience to play with different teams, especially international ones because it’s a great way to meet new players and also to assess our game. Woohoo. One whole weekend of  ultimate. Iz very cool. Sunburn here I come.

What are you guys excited about these days? Any bits of happy you want to share?

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