Happy new year, friends! How was your new year celebration? Fun and injury-free, I hope? Did you party too hard or too little? ;P
I don’t know if you guys believe in new year’s resolutions. I like to think of them more as plans and to-do lists, and Day 1 of 365 days of new beginnings is as good a time as any to kick off a new list!
Ho hoh! I am resurrecting THE LISTS! I don’t even know why I stopped doing this. Anyway, it’s a brand new year and I have TONS to do. I really am praying that this year I will have more discipline to stick to my plans. I need to get my freelance career going! No more sitting around doing unproductive things! My rent and travel plans depend on it! Haaah.
And so let’s go to my 2013 list, version 1 (mwahahaha)..
1. Start my own writer’s bucket list.
This is inspired by A Writer’s Bucket List, a really helpful book by freelance journalist and indie author Dana Sitar. This book kind of put things in perspective. When I decided to do freelance work full time, my mind was kind of all over the place about what kind of freelancer or writer I would be. At least now I have somewhere to start (again!). Yep, more writing goals this year. Hah. Looks like I will have to resurrect my poor writing blog for these writing tasks. Yayyy.
2. Go back to pen and paper writing.
This means, hullo planner slash journal slash scrapbook a.k.a. Franken-notebook! (It’s alive! Alive!) I mentioned a while back that I wanted to start a franken-notebook this year. I have a couple of notebooks to choose from (among my precious neglected notebooks collection that’s been stashed away for too long!) that would be perfect. I don’t think I’ll be able to focus much on actually writing masterpieces on this franken-notebook though. I’m thinking this will be more for crafty and creativity purposes.
3. Do another series on my blog.
I was thinking of creating a blog schedule for 2013, but I realized that I never stick to any kind of rigid blog schedule so I might as well not attempt it. The next best thing I could think of was to do another series about writing or freelance work. I will still continue my pseudo regular features like T-Shirt Thursdays and Inspiration Monday, but it looks like I will be posting as erratically as I did last year. Hah.
4. Complete a workout.
I know, I know. I’ve been talking about working out all year. I can’t let it slip again this year. My work has me sitting in front of my computer for hours almost every day so I really need to add exercise to my routine. Plus I need to look incredibly smashing in a bikini for Boracay Open 2013. Woohoo. That’s in March, by the way. Eep. Anyway, I really really need to do this. I mean, I don’t need to go nuts, buy fancy sports accessories, and become a fitness guru. I just need to complete the Insanity workout. GAH.
5. Continue with book blogging.
This is in line with my personal goal of reading lots and lots of books forever and ever. This is also somewhat related to my blogging schedule. I will continue with book reviews and book events on my blog, but I will try not to go nuts with the blog tours and review requests this time. I still need to catch up with my current review pile and reading list. Reading is so superduper cool.
Well, that’s it. Ta-da. These to-do’s are pretty heavy actually. I’ll have my hands full just with #1. Oh yeah. I can do this.
No guts, no glory!!
No pain, no gain!!

I have only seen the first 15 mins of this movie. I know, I suck.
Anyway, 2013 will be such a blast! Haaah. Good luck to me!
What’s on your list for 2013? Anything easy? Haha. ;)
I love to make lists and your list sounds great! Lots of wonderful plans for 2013. Happy New Year!