Stepping Into More by Rachel Karu is free on Kindle from Wednesday, February 27 until Friday March 1.
Stepping into More by Rachel Karu
Life is meant to be lived with purpose.
Before Rachel Karu could speak, she longed to be a singer and performer. But like all of us, Rachel was born withGremlins – inner voices that hate change and demand the status quo. These perpetual tapes clung to her mind like shackles threatening to derail her at every turning point. At the lead of Rachel’s gang of Gremlins was the toughest of them all: Perfectionism. Yep, these gremlins have name tags!)
In STEPPING INTO MORE: Lessons from a Recovering Perfectionist, Rachel details her personal journey of wrangling and ultimately co-existing with her Gremlins. We are born with strengths and development areas. Our goal is to create a fulfilling life. But we all need some guidance along the way.
Intended as a tool, this guide offers support as you grapple with your own Gremlins and higher self, so that you learn how to make clear, conscious choices that lead to a wonderful expansive life. Rachel’s story and the reflective questions at the end of each chapter are designed to serve as a stepping stone for you to reconnect to and honor your passions, values, and dreams.
Advance Praise
“Rachel writes this books as only a recovering perfectionist can! In an unabashed, tell-it-like-it-is style she draws you into her story and reveals the peaks and valleys of her journey. Through colorful narrative, she brings her story alive and, in so doing, helps you ponder yours. Only read this book if you’re not afraid to have your dreams come true!”~ Sharon Jordan-Evans, executive coach & keynote speaker, co-author, Love ‘Em or Lose ‘Em: Getting Good People to Stay and Love It, Don’t Leave It: 26 Ways to Get What You Want at Work.
Download it free on Kindle, amazon!
Happy reading!