Blog Tour – Author Interview & Giveaway: Fractured Soul (Fractured Light #2) by Rachel McClellan

Today we’re featuring Fractured Soul, book 2 in the Fractured Light series by Rachel McClellan. We also have a short interview with the author. Read on to know more about Rachel (check out her awesome answer to question #2!) and check out her books! Don’t forget to enter the tour-wide giveaway.

Fractured Soul (Fractured Light #2)

Llona will do whatever it takes to protect her new found friends and home, but the dark plot threatening Lucent Academy, a school that’s supposed to be a safe place for Auras, may be too powerful for even Llona to defeat. This fast-paced tale of love, loyalty, and overcoming the darkness will keep you on the edge of your seat until the last page!

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Interview with Rachel McClellan

1. What’s the one book you would love to see made into a movie (one that hasn’t been made into a film already!) and who would be the main actor/actress in it?

I would love to see the movie The Reapers are the Angels by Alden Bell, and I think Lucy Hale would play an amazing Temple. Moses should be played by a John C. Reilly, a mean version of him.

2. Name one movie that you would rewrite into a book.

Even though it’s already a book, I would love to take the last Twilight movie and rewrite it. I would have Bella go bad when she’s made into a vampire and join the Italian clan of vampires. Edward would have to chase after her and make her fall in love with him all over again. And I’d have people die in the end. For real.

3. If you weren’t a writer, what would you be?

Is a screenplay writer too close to being a writer? Probably. I guess the next best thing would be a movie director, followed by an actress.

4. Say you have a chance to be a certain literary character for a day, which literary character would you be?

I would want to be Susan from The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. What amazing adventures she had!

5. What was the best writing advice you’ve ever received?

To read the following two books: Save the Cat by Blake Synder and Writing the Breakout Novel by Donald Mass.

About the Author

Rachel McClellan was born and raised in Idaho, a place secretly known for its supernatural creatures. When she’s not in her writing lair, she’s partying with her husband and four crazy, yet lovable, children. Rachel’s love for storytelling began as a child when the moon first possessed the night. For when the lights went out, her imagination painted a whole new world. And what a scary world it was…


What others are saying about the Fractured Light series:

“I love these books! A kick-butt heroine and a hottie love interest, with a refreshingly original concept. Be prepared—once you start, these are hard to put down.” —Paula Cotton, book reviewer at

“Fractured Soul is a brilliant sequel, exceeding even the remarkable first book in the series. It will haunt your every waking moment between the times you’re reading it, and it will stay with you long after you’ve finished. It’s an amazingly well written and engrossing story that I highly recommend—after you’ve read the first one, of course.” —Cindy Bennett, bestselling author of Geek Girl & Rapunzel Untangled

Watch the book trailer:

About Fractured Light (Book #1)

Llona Reese is used to living on the run. After the Vykens killed her parents, she knew they would eventually come for her too. She can’t take any chances. But when she starts to make friends for the first time in her life, she gets careless and lets her guard down. Big mistake.

As an Aura, Llona can manipulate light and harness its energy. But if she wants to survive, Llona will have to defy the Auran Council and learn to use her power as a weapon against the Vyken whose sole desire is to take her light. Now she’s caught in something even bigger than she can understand, with a power she can’t wield, and no one she can trust, except, just maybe, a mysterious stranger.

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Check out the tour schedule and the tour-wide giveaway HERE.

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