My favorite minimalist design blogs

Most of you probably know that I tweak my blog a lot. I’m always changing my blog design. I change colors, I change layouts, I play around with fonts. I love to play around with colors and what not, but my main blog design inspirations are actually simple and minimalist and have their own distinct style. I’m still working on finding a minimalist design that reflects my own personality, but for now let me just share my favorites. These are the blogs and websites I usually go back to when I’m tweaking my blog layout.

Door Sixteen by Anna Dorfman

This blog by this awesome designer is my absolute blog-crush right now. Her blog (Door Sixteen) is da bomb, I tell you. It’s so clean and simple, yet so distinct and unique.

Pugly Pixel Blog

Added this a day after I first published this post! I can’t believe I forgot about Pugly Pixel, my favorite resource for blog design tips and goodies! This is another one of my ultimate blog design crush.


This popular Apple blog is pretty cool. The layout and design is just so clean and professional and very easy on the eyes.

The Minimalists

Well, I can’t really say anything else about these guys because they’re THE minimalist gods and not just in how their site looks, but in life as well. Read through their posts. You might find something that could change your life!

Blogging With Amy

This isn’t exactly strictly minimalist, but I like the way Amy Lynn Andrews created her platform. The site links to her Blogging With Amy blog and The Girl Behind the Geek blog. The two sites have different domains, but they look like they’re the same website. Way to create an identity. I’ve been wanting to do a similar thing with my blog (this one) and my “pro” landing page (click on my profile photo on the right sidebar to go there).

Think Traffic

I just love the big-ass font and the un-cluttered feel of it.

What are some of the minimalist design blogs that you like?
Share the links if you’d like. I would love to check them out. :)

4 thoughts on “My favorite minimalist design blogs”

  1. Can I say I like your layout? ^_^

    Loved the feature! I’ve recently gained an appreciation for the minimalist look and tried to streamline my own blog to make it easier to look at and read through. ^_^


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