How do I follow thee? Let me count the ways.

Hi, friends! I’m not sure if you follow this blog via Google Reader (which has gone away) or some other reader, but I just wanted to let you  know about the many other ways you can do to keep up with the posts on White Sky Project! Woohoo! ;)

Bloglovin – I’m already following a ton of people on Bloglovin since I imported all the blogs I follow from Google Reader, but if I’m not following you yet, please send me your link in the comments! I haven’t really been maximizing Bloglovin, but I just found out that there’s an app that I can use on my iPad so I want to move everyone I follow over here. Should be fun! ;)

Subscribe via Email – This is how I follow most of my favorite blogs these days, which means I get all the new posts straight to my mailbox.

Facebook – New blog posts are always shared on this page. To see the updates on your newsfeed you’ll need to add the page to your interests (see image below).

There you go! Don’t forget to send me your Bloglovin links so I can add you.
Thanks! :)

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