Are Legends Born or Made?

As a freelance writer I come across a lot of interesting things from tips, sources and websites I follow. Most of them are branding or marketing campaigns that are unlike anything I’ve seen and pretty much off the hook.

One of the latest cool things I’ve come across is Heineken’s Voyage campaign, where they try to find out what men are really made of when taken out of their regular lives and dropped off into the unknown. They find these random dudes from all over the world and then drop them off in a seemingly random location. Imagine getting dropped off in the middle of Alaska with nothing but a giant life-ring, a tuxedo and a plane ticket for home, and the airport is miles away. Holy legendary adventures, Batman!

Voyage is the fifth installment in a series of campaigns called Legends. In Voyage, Heineken picks guys from all over the globe and then drop them off in a remote global location and arm them with basic supplies. Then they film them, of course, to create Dropped, a sort of documentary type series showing the guys having the adventure of their lives.

You can watch the videos at the Heineken® Dropped YouTube channel. Viewers can watch the series and follow the adventurers through diary entries and updates. Viewers can also contribute their own video entries for a chance to get picked to go on their own legendary adventure.

Every Voyage adventure is tailored for the main character, the adventurer, and it’s really an experiment to see the adventurer discovering his own limits and conquering all sorts of challenges, and answering the question, “Are legends made or Dropped?”

Pretty cool, right? But my question is, how come they’re picking only GUYS?? Maybe they will have one for gals soon, eh?

In the meantime, check out the episodes. There’s one of two Irish guys who get dropped off in the Philippines! I thought that was pretty funny. ;)

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