Anyway, enough rambling from me. Come, my friends! Take my hand and let us enter these blog giveaways together! Off we go on the yellow brick road!
This giveaway is hosted by Angela’s Anxious Life and I Am A Reader Not A Writer. It officially ends September 17. For this giveaway we’re giving away Classic novels or re-telling of classics and time travel books!
For my blog giveaway, I’ll give the winner the chance to choose her/his book from The Book Depository or Amazon. It must be a classic, a classic re-telling, or a time travel book, and it must be valued at $12 or less. This giveaway is open to anyone who can receive Amazon gifts or if TBD ships to your country for free. Enter using the Rafflecopter below. Good luck, friends! :)
I would probably pick Cinder!
Thanks for the giveaway!
I would look for a time travel book, but I don’t know which one yet.
I have to think about which book will be my choice :)
a tale of two centuries
I would pick a retelling of Pride and Prejudice. Thanks!
I’d like to get Cinder.
I would choose Cinder.
The Great Gatsby or To Kill A Mockingbird
I would get Demons at Deadnight by A&E Kirk!
I would pick something by Marissa Meyer. I haven’t read any of her books yet, but I’ve only heard amazing things about them. I need to know what everyone’s always fangirling about! :)
I’d love to try For Darkness Shows The Stars or maybe Cinder.
So many awesome book options…I’m not sure what I would get :) Maybe Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit
I would probably choose Cinder or one of Melanie Dickerson’s books.
I would like to read Cinder.
Hi! I tried signing up by Feedburner but it took me t o a RSS feed instead. So I signed up for email via the sidebar.
Anyway, I’d choose Briar Rose by Jane Yolen if I win. So thanks for the chance to win :)
I would love to read “The WInd Done Gone, a Novel by ALice Randall – (gone with the WInd from the slaves view point) or East of the Sun and West of the Moon – book East by Edith Patton
I would choose some retelling of Pride and Prejudice:)
Thank you for the giveaway!
thank you a lot for the int giveaway, if kate serine first book in her series is under the limit i would like to get it ( Red) if not i’m not sure which book i would pick
thank you a lot for the giveaway
I would love to get Alice in Zombieland if I win :) Thanks for this awesome giveaway! <3
I’d get Bitter Greens by Kate Forsyth!
ooohhh I would pick Cinder for sure! Thanks for participating in the hop!
Angela’s Anxious Life
I might pick Cinder, I’m not sure. Thank you!
I’d probably get Cinder or Scarlet! Thanks!
I’m not sure- I’m tempted between Cinder, Hourglass and The Time Travellor’s Wife though> I would definitely go with TBD! They are amazing!
I think I’d get Scarlet by Marissa Meyer. Thank you for the giveaway :)
I’m not quite sure what I’d get yet. I keep seeing a lot of recommendations for “Cinder”!
Thanks for the giveaway opportunity. I would choose Scarlet by Marissa Meyer.
probably Ever by Gail Carson Levine or Scarlet:)
thanks for the giveaway!
I would like to read Mirror Mirror by Gregory MacGuire
I’d love Scarlet!
Scarlet :D
To this point, I’m dying to read Across a Star-Swept Sea. Then again, if a long term pre-order is on the table, Cress :3
I would choose Olivia Cunning’s 2nd time travel book Twice Upon a Time!
I’m torn between one of Kay Berrisford’s Robin Hood reworkings or Tara Lain’s SINDERS AND ASH (Cinderella)…
Thanks for the awesome giveaway! My pick would be Clockwork Princess!! :)
Scarlet.Thanks for the giveaway!
Hm, probably Scarlet :)
I would love to win Timepiece by Myra Mcentire
Thanks for this giveaway :)
I would choose the Time Traveller’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger! :D
I would most likely buy an Adrian Phoenix or the latest release from Chloe Niell. Thanks for the giveaway :)
Thanks, great giveaway, I would love to read The Fairest of Them All by Carolyn Turgeon! :)
Most likely The Great Gatsby :D
Is this INT ? :)
Hi Emily! It’s open to anyone who can receive Amazon gifts or if TBD ships to their country for free. :D
Mine pick is Hourglass by Myra McEntire. Thanks!