Off to Oz Giveaway Hop

Ah, yes. It’s another giveaway hop, my friends. I’ve realized spreading the good vibes is always a good thing even in blogging. Everytime I win stuff on the internet, my sister dear always says I’m so lucky and I always respond that it’s only because I enter so many giveaways that I’m bound to win one even if it’s just an e-book. The point is, I enter almost every giveaway on giveaway hops because I luuurve giveaways and I luuurve hoarding e-books! Mwahahaha! 

Anyway, enough rambling from me. Come, my friends! Take my hand and let us enter these blog giveaways together! Off we go on the yellow brick road!

This giveaway is hosted by Angela’s Anxious Life and I Am A Reader Not A Writer. It officially ends September 17. For this giveaway we’re giving away Classic novels or re-telling of classics and time travel books!

For my blog giveaway, I’ll give the winner the chance to choose her/his book from The Book Depository or Amazon. It must be a classic, a classic re-telling, or a time travel book, and it must be valued at $12 or less. This giveaway is open to anyone who can receive Amazon gifts or if TBD ships to your country for free. Enter using the Rafflecopter below. Good luck, friends! :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wait! Don’t go yet. Enter more giveaways HERE! It’s the funnest evurrr.

45 thoughts on “Off to Oz Giveaway Hop”

  1. I would pick something by Marissa Meyer. I haven’t read any of her books yet, but I’ve only heard amazing things about them. I need to know what everyone’s always fangirling about! :)

  2. Hi! I tried signing up by Feedburner but it took me t o a RSS feed instead. So I signed up for email via the sidebar.

    Anyway, I’d choose Briar Rose by Jane Yolen if I win. So thanks for the chance to win :)

  3. I would love to read “The WInd Done Gone, a Novel by ALice Randall – (gone with the WInd from the slaves view point) or East of the Sun and West of the Moon – book East by Edith Patton

  4. thank you a lot for the int giveaway, if kate serine first book in her series is under the limit i would like to get it ( Red) if not i’m not sure which book i would pick

    thank you a lot for the giveaway


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