I know it’s already late in the day, but, hey, watch out! Pretty cool tees coming your way! I’ve been missing these T-Shirt Thursday posts lately. Not to say I haven’t seen cool graphic tees anywhere. I’ve just been kind of on a blogging mental block or what have you. My blog’s been boring lately. I need to have an editorial meeting with myself. Hah. Anyway, here are some really cute tees. Enjoy! :)
GAWWWZILLAWWW (Threadless) – Cutest Godzilla evur!
Rebirth (Threadless) – I just think this one looks pretty awesome. I’ve a thing for wings and stuff.
Not All Who Wander Are Lost (TopatoCo) – Wise words by the awesome J.R.R. Tolkien.
Kaiju Wave (BustedTees) – Woohoo Kaiju!!!!
Skulls Are For Pussies (Red Bubble) – I love skulls and kitty cats.
I love graphic shirts that are related to books. I have several of the literary designs from Threadless (pictures here and here).
lol. I’ve never seen Godzilla in that way. I love that one. And I like the edit to Tolkien’s words. :)
Awesome, right? :P