Today I had a marriage-requirements-related errand and took the bus on my way back to fiance’s place where I hang out and smooch off WiFi.
Look what I found on the bus seat! It’s a teeny tiny space ship made out of a bus ticket.
Of course, the minute I saw it I felt that I just had to show off my origami skillz! I couldn’t, for the life of me, remember anything that I could make with paper and just sort of started folding my bus ticket into whatever. I tried to look like I knew what I was doing because I think the girl next to me was kinda watching.
So, this is what I came up with. Voila. I’ve decided that it’s a space pod. Hah.
Anyway, I decided that they belong together! Yay!
And that’s it for Random Bus Tickets Origami Day!
What extremely exciting things have you seen or done today? LOL.
Have a good week! :)