I thought this book had an interesting story, that’s why I agreed to help out in the blog tour and host a guest post by the author. Check out the book and the guest post, and enter the tour-wide giveaway for a chance to win $100 Amazon Gift Card or $25 Amazon Gift Card.
About the book
“Emma stuck her face to the window to watch the rain. Lightning in the background drew a fiery specter in the sky while her eyes traced the water droplets running down the pane like tears.” Emma Willis is ten years old and has a secret. She not only inherited her grandmother’s power of sight, she can accomplish much more. Like most children without siblings growing up amongst adults, she is precocious yet at times lonely. When a murderer is loose in Newark, a maniac with a thirst for killing little girls, she begins to understand why her Granny Dottie called her sight a curse. She will need all her powers to catch a killer and help the people in her life: Detective Hank Apple, her teacher Christina Tyler, and her little family of three. Only … the madman knows who she is! — Get this book on Amazon | Add to your Goodreads list!
Enjoy this guest post by Joss Landry.
ANOTHER FIRST. Introducing a Book—like Bringing a Child Into the World.
I Can See You was written with the thought of walking a child by the hand on his or her first day of school. A proud moment you know will launch a new story to gentle readers. Imagining my characters walking out in plain sight is a worthwhile moment. I’ve had many firsts with I Can See You, as most parents have with each child, my first review, my first five-star review, and now, my first blog tour. Many thanks to Dark World Book Tours and to Franny, a kindred soul.
Another first is a read from Kirkus Reviews. Their appreciation of my story gave me confidence and helped validate my work. Their tag line reads:
A gripping, disturbing tale about the importance of love, acceptance and letting kids be kids.
I especially loved when they mentioned, “Landry’s characters are beautifully written, full of subtleties and complications. Emma in particular is superbly drawn—stoic, clever, yet still a child who will curl up with a teddy bear for comfort.”
Emma is a vivid example of how many children live today. In the eighties we began calling them latch-key kids. Today, the situation is no longer referred to as anything special—too common, too widespread. With both parents working and racing against time, our kids learn to walk on eggshells. They find themselves growing up so fast without all the answers they need, especially true of Emma because of a difficult father, and being an only child. She keeps to herself living in a world that is out of the ordinary and with little support since her granny Dotty passed away.
Emma is one of the lucky little girls. She discovers big hearted Christina Tyler and her ex-boyfriend, Detective Hank Apple, to be the allies she needs to overcome falling into the throes of a mad man’s design.
As Emma learns to use her powers, she will also go through many firsts stumbling as she does, making costly mistakes. Yet she does not lose sight of what she needs to accomplish. I believe this is what both fuels and depicts her courage. One reader mentioned how the book had taught her many firsts she hadn’t realized in her own children. This, I was most grateful to hear hoping fun in fiction will change the world one book at a time.
About Joss Landry
With a degree in commerce, Joss has worked as a consultant for more than twenty years, writing copy for marketing firms and assisting start-up companies launch their business. She recently made the switch from composing copy and promos, to writing fiction and prose. She is developing her style through courses and the support of other writers. She is a member of the Romance Writers of America and is presently working on honing three other novels for publication. Blessed with four children and five grandchildren, she resides in Montreal with her husband, a staunch supporter, and enjoys spending time biking, rollerblading, playing tennis, and swimming. She loves creating stories as she says they fulfill her need to think outside the box.
Connect with the author: Website – Twitter – Facebook – Pinterest – Goodreads
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