Or rather, this is the “Oh, hey, I’ve failed to post for the last few days, so here are my books-to-movies posts of the past” post.
Yep, I had a list and a schedule for the 31 Days, but I did not account for how much work each post will actually take and the times when I will be out of the house and away from my computer. That was the long weekend, by the way. I managed to get a post in last Saturday and started on what was supposed to be for Sunday but I ended up publishing that on Tuesday. Oye, what a crazy thing this is.
Anyway, we’re going away again this weekend – flying out tomorrow in fact and won’t be back til Monday night – so I’m going to be behind again. I had planned to base my post on books that I have already talked about in the past, but it looks like that’s not gonna happen right now, so I just want to leave you with the links to a coupleĀ of them.
- Battle Royale (Batoru Rowaiaru) by Koushun Takami – This is one of my favorite books to movies ever! I enjoyed both the book and the movie. The movie is a riot, by the way. So hardcore. ;)
- The Children of Men by PD James – Another interesting one. The movie won this round for me.