Happy New Year, Friends!

I haven’t blogged for realz in months, but I feel like I should kick off the new year with a new post. The past year was a big one – having kicked it off by getting hitched – and I think this new one is going to be big as well. I was thinking of doing the usual ‘year in review’ and then my list for 2015, but I think I’ll just keep it simple this time.

About 2014

So, I got married one year ago and life has never been the same. I know that’s such a cliche but it is what it is and it seems the past year was spent adjusting to a whole new life!

Aside from adjusting to my new ‘lady of the house’ status during the whole of 2014, I’ve also been taking my fitness level just a tad bit more seriously. Well, I wasn’t working out furiously the entire year but in the last few months I’ve been trying to work out more. I gained a lot of weight after we moved in to our new apartment and I’ve been trying to be more fit. I’m actually supposed to have my #BestBodyEver by end of January this year, but it doesn’t look like I’m going to reach that goal. Waah. I’m still going to try to work out more though. That’s going to be on my list for 2015.  I need to be solid this year. Hah.

The one major downside to my 2014 was my writing productivity took a nose dive. For some reason I just wasn’t as productive at work as I used to be. I was still writing but not as much. That means my personal income also took a dive. Long story short, that’s also going into my list for 2015 – I need to bring my productivity level back up.

About 2015

This year we’re going to be doing more ‘adjusting’ since this little cutie pie just happened!

Hero the Super Dog

Yep, we adopted a puppy! His name is Hero and he’s a labrador, golden retriever and husky mix. He’s barely two months old so he basically spends his day eating, peeing, pooping, playing and sleeping. We just had him for a few days and we love him to bits. We even made him his own Instagram account @hero.superdog! Oh man, I hope to God we’ll be good parents. Hehe.

Anyway, I’m sure just being new parents to a fur baby is going to make this year harder and more exciting, but hopefully I’ll also be able to do the things on my list, like WORK OUT MORE, WRITE MORE, and READ MORE. Hah.

And that’s it for today. I really should be working right now. LOL.

What are your 2015 plans?

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