How Writing Has Positively Influenced My Life

There’s a contest about this topic over at Positive Writer. Fat chance I’ll win because the number of entries to these contests is ridiculous, but this is a good writing exercise and we must practice our writing, mustn’t we, precious? Plus the dude with the glasses in the photo above has convinced me it’s worth a try. Thank you, dude with glasses. Look at him, he’s got a light bulb on his finger.

I need to get me one of those light bulbs. Right now I’m writing this blog post instead of writing my articles for work. I’ve been  having some issues lately with my productivity and I’m trying to do anything I can to get my “writer” on. I’m hoping that writing this post will make writing my work-related posts easier.  I know, it doesn’t sound very positive right now, but in a way I’m glad my problem is about writing because it’s what I do for a living. It wasn’t always the case, but I’m glad that it is.

I started writing when I was in sixth grade. I’m a big introvert, so keeping a journal was my way of expressing myself and letting out emotions. Nobody ever saw my stuff but writing was my way of helping me cope with anything and everything.

I didn’t really think about doing it for a living until I was going into my 8th year at a job that was no longer making me happy. I quit my corporate job and started experimenting with home-based writing work. I started with small writing jobs and content mills until I got accepted as a contributing writer for a website. I consider that as one of my big breaks so far because it made me realize I was no longer just “experimenting.” I had become a “real” writer, someone who actually writes for a living and someone who people reach out to about their stories.

I used to think I’m just someone who likes to write on the side, but now I know that it is what I do and what want to do for as long as I can. Writing helps define who I am and helps me live a positive life.

How has writing positively influenced your life? 

To enter the contest, all you have to do is write a blog post about how writing has positively influenced your life and then comment on this post with the link to your blog post. Contest runs until June 1st. Hurry, writer and blogger friends. Get in on the fun ASAPsss. (The extra S’s mean you have to get to it faster than ‘as soon as possible.’ Haha.)

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