Last month I decided that I should keep a fitness journal this year. I was kind of obsessing about the Blogilates Fit Journal – which looks pretty cool (though it’s too structured for me and would probably be wasted on me) – and I was thinking maybe keeping a journal might help me be more consistent, so I decided to transform one of my unused notebooks into a pseudo “fitness journal.” I selected one with unlined pages and started logging in my workouts.
I was able to log in a few workout sessions before my whole fitness journal plan went kaput. Hah. It was around the time that Carpet Head gave me this “Wellness Datebook” by The Spa. I was ecstatic when I got it because it meant I can use it instead of the unlined notebook and save the other one for whatever mighty writing ventures I can think of in the future. Haha. I copied my records of my previous workouts into the datebook and that was the last time I opened it. HAH. I stopped working out days before Boracay Open and still haven’t started working out again days after Boracay. I know, I’m terrible.
Anyway, I think my grace period has ended and I should be starting my workouts again so I’m hoping to revive this “fitness journal” thing this month.
To jumpstart this “revival,” let me tell you a little bit about The Spa Wellness Datebook and what’s in it.
Check out the featured image above the title of this post to see what the datebook looks like. It came with a box. It’s big with thick pages that are bit glossy, glossy enough that you can rub off what you’ve written down if you don’t let it dry for a few minutes. But most of the pages are pretty nice though. For each month, there’s a monthly calendar, a weekly calendar, and a couple of pages where you can list down goals or write notes or stick photos or whatever.
Here are a few snapshots of the datebook.

The Datebook is quite simple actually, compared to the Starbucks or Coffee Bean planners. Overall, it’s bigger than I would have liked and I could do with less product pages, but it’s pretty decent and I’m sure will serve my purpose well.
The Datebook also came with a couple of gift certificates to The Spa. I should remember to use those.
Aaaaaand that is it. What’s your take on fitness journals? Yay or nay?