It’s World Teachers Day! [Infographic]

The quote by Sidney Hook (an American philosopher) above says, “Everyone who remembers his own education remembers teachers, not methods and techniques. The teacher is the heart of the educational system.” That’s so true, isn’t it? We may not remember anything or too much of what we learned in school, but we’re sure to remember at least one teacher who made a difference in our lives, even if it was just in a small way.

October 5 is World Teachers Day. It is also the culmination of National Teachers Month (which runs from September 5 to October 5) here in the Philippines. To celebrate, here’s an infographic dedicated to educators around the world and aimed at reminding everyone how important teachers are. :)

World Teacher Day

This infographic is brought to you by Grammarly.

Since it is World Teachers Day after all, show your support by thanking your teachers for making a difference. You can also consider donating to a non-profit organization that supports educators, such as Teach for the Philippines and Teachers Without Borders.

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