Review of The Face in a Jar (Defragmenting Daniel #2) by Jason Werbeloff

Today we have book two in author Jason Werbeloff’s strange and interesting series Defragmenting Daniel. Things are even stranger and more interesting!

Read more about the book and check out my review!

30658564About the book

The Face in a Jar is the second book in the thrilling sci-fi trilogy, Defragmenting Daniel.

2 organs regained. 5 still missing. Daniel’s gruesome crusade continues.

Daniel has retrieved his cornea and knee, fled Thomsin’s apartment, and made an unlikely ally in Margaret Evans. But Margaret, a bloodthirsty android that hungers for human parts, is an unstable accomplice.

Pressure mounts, as Daniel searches for his tongue and lungs. All the while trying to avoid Kage and the Bubble Police Department, who draw ever closer to discovering the identity of the Organ Thief.

Daniel must tread carefully, or risk losing more than just his organs.

Keep your blood surging with this second installment of Defragmenting Daniel, and acquire a taste for murder.

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Things are getting just a tad bit crazier, folks.

This is the second book in The Defragmenting Daniel trilogy and things are getting just a tad bit crazier. Like book one, The Face in a Jar is full of weird, bizarre, gross, utterly horrifying and yet strangely fascinating things about the characters and the crazy world that Jason Werbeloff has created.

Daniel’s not done with his mission and he’s found himself a creepy-ass partner in Margaret the android. He’s not totally comfortable with the whole thing and he’s even starting to think too much (for a serial killer, anyway) about what he’s doing, but he needs his parts and he needs to do what he’s gotta do. Kage the private investigator is getting close to catching his guy while dealing with a lot of personal stuff, which includes getting it on – or not – with the wildly exotic Una and getting frustrated over a certain non-functioning body part. His issue with the latter is so significant that it brings him to a big moment at the end of the book.

The Face in a Jar is a great follow-up to book one and it builds enough anticipation for what happens next. Things are slowly coming together and it’s just a matter of time before we find Daniel, Margaret and Kage face to face with each other. I can’t wait to find out what happens when they do!

Note: I received a review copy of this book from the author. All opinions and views expressed here are my own.

Read my review of book one, The Organ Scrubber.

About the Author

AuthorPictureJason Werbeloff is a novelist and philosopher. He loves chocolate and his Labrador, Sunny.

He’s interested in the nature of social groups, personal identity, freedom, and the nature of the mind. His passion is translating philosophical debate around these topics into works of science fiction, while gorging himself on chocolate.

Follow Jason on his WebsiteAmazon Author PageGoodreadsFacebook and Twitter.

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