Have you discovered your Patronus yet?

I love the Harry Potter series. I mean, who doesn’t, right? Well, actually, I can name a few peeps who don’t really care about Harry Potter as much as most of us do – I mean, what?? – but, you know, they’re entitled to their own thing and I’m not up in arms about it. ANYWAY, so yesterday I got the email from Pottermore about finding out your Patronus and of course I had to go see what mine is!

First, let me just ramble a little bit. I love Harry Potter but I can’t really call myself a super Potterhead because: one, I don’t remember everything about the books even though I’ve read the series; two, I haven’t read any other book written in the Harry Potter world (like Fantastic Beasts, etc.); three, I don’t own any Harry Potter merchandise (I know, crazy!); and four, I’m not exactly super up to date with Pottermore stuff – I mean, I’ve only read about Ilvermorny yesterday. But still, I’m a fan and love everything about Pottermore and I love the whole “find your Patronus” thing. It’s awesome.

By the way, this has nothing to do with patronuses, but in the old Pottermore site, I was sorted into Gryffindor, which is awesome, and after the site upgraded and all that, I got sorted into Slytherin, which is also awesome. I thought I’d be in Hufflepuff, but, you know, I’m happy to be sorted anywhere. I mean, hey, to be sorted in a house! That’s just cool.

Anyway, enough rambling. So I went through all the questions to find out what my Patronus was – the whole process is so magical, by the way, and absolutely impressive, seriously check it out if you haven’t yet. And the verdict? I got the dapple grey stallion! Yayyy. I know nothing about horses, but I’d be happy to ride my stallion into battle anytime. Not ride ride, but you know what I mean. It’s awesome.

So that’s all. I just wanted to share this thing. Because everything is awesome. ;)

So, what about you, my awesome friends? Whatdidjaget? Tell me!! :)


2 thoughts on “Have you discovered your Patronus yet?”

  1. This is perfect, because I just started rereading the HP series this week! I was sorted into either Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff, so I’ll have to do that quiz again to see which one, but I haven’t taken the patronus quiz. To Pottermore I go!

    • Awesome! I’ve tried rereading the series but I always end up just watching one of the films haha. Maybe I should give it another go before the year ends. :)


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