Aaaand just like that it’s November. And we know what that means – it’s NaNoWriMo once again. Yep.
NaNoWrimo or National Novel Writing Month is when people attempt to write and finish a novel for the entire month of November. Well, the goal is to write a novel of at least 50,000 words. Some folks say it’s crazy, some folks say it works for them. For me, I see it as a personal challenge to START something.
I joined NaNoWrimo last year and all I had to show for was a 200-word blurb for my supposedly sci-fi novel. Woot.
Yeah, I know. I’m out of my mind for signing up again, but, hey, I’m STILL HOPING TO START SOMETHING SPECIAL. Haha.
Anyway, I don’t know how I’m going to fare this year, but I wish anyone who’s joining the challenge the best of luck!
If you’re doing NaNoWriMo, let’s be writing buddies! ;)
My favorite writers’ resources
I also want to wish everyone – WriMo or not – the best of luck in their own writing pursuits. If you’re needing a little nudge of inspiration or motivation, take a quick look at my favorite writers’ resources. Maybe you’ll find something that’ll help you today!
The Write Life – This is a site for writers by writers. Seriously, I think this is one of the best resources out there for writers or for anyone who wants to be a writer.
Positive Writer – Created by Bryan Hutchinson, Positive Writer aims to encourage, inspire and motivate folks to do what they want to do and create work that matters.
Goins Writer – Jeff Goins is a bestselling author and writes about writing for a living or finding your own passion. On his blog and newsletter, he shares his thoughts and tips on creativity and working on your passion.
David Farland’s Writing Tips – David Farland is an accomplished author and just happens to be a judge for L. Ron Hubbard’s Writers of the Future, one of the world’s largest writing contests. You can subscribe to his writing tips and receive valuable insights straight to your inbox.
No Sidebar – This isn’t really about writing, but it’s about living a simple life and you can find lots of tips and inspiration here that can help you in any aspect of your life, including your passion or your work.