Spotlight and Giveaway: Monsterland by Michael Okon

Hullo! Today I have for you a pretty interesting horror book! Check out Monsterland by author Michael Okon. This book really seemed like something I can get into but I still haven’t gotten over my reading slump so I just decided to put this on my wishlist for now. It involves vampires, zombies, werewolves in a theme park! Scary fun, right?

Read more about it below, enjoy a short excerpt and enter the blog tour giveaway for a chance to win a gift card and other cool stuff!

monsterland michael okonAbout Monsterland

Welcome to Monsterland—the scariest place on Earth.

Wyatt Baldwin’s senior year is not going well. His parents divorce, then his dad mysteriously dies. He’s not exactly comfortable with his new stepfather, Carter White, either. An ongoing debate with his best friends Melvin and Howard Drucker over which monster is superior has gotten stale. He’d much rather spend his days with beautiful and popular Jade. However, she’s dating the brash high-school quarterback Nolan, and Wyatt thinks he doesn’t stand a chance.

But everything changes when Wyatt and his friends are invited to attend the grand opening of Monsterland, a groundbreaking theme park where guests can interact with vampires in Vampire Village, be chased by werewolves on the River Run, and walk among the dead in Zombieville.

With real werewolves, vampires and zombies as the main attractions, what could possibly go wrong?

Add on Goodreads. Get this book on Amazon, Barnes & Noble or Kobo.

About the Author

Michael Okon is the award-winning and best-selling author & screenwriter formerly known as Michael Phillip Cash. His originally self-published book Monsterland was picked up in a two-book publishing deal by WordFire Press. Michael is happily married and writes full-time on the North Shore of Long Island with his two screaming monsters in the background.

Connect with the author on his Website, on Facebook, Twitter or email him at MichaelOkonBooks (at)

Read an Excerpt

What were the interlopers doing here? Billy thought furiously. This was their territory. The humans didn’t belong in the swamp. The moon continued its trip to the heavens, the familiar agony beginning in his chest. Billy fought the demons churning within his body, feeling the pain of metamorphosis. He curled inward, hunching his shoulders, the curse of his nature making his spine pull until his tendons and muscles tore from their human positions to transform into something wicked. A howl erupted from his throat, followed by another, and then another. Grabbing handfuls of dirt, he tried to fight the awful change, but, as the sun dipped to its fiery death, the moon took control of his life, and the unnatural force tore through his unwilling body. Reason fled; his heart raced. Falling on his hands and knees, he let loose a keening cry as his face elongated, his body changing into a canine, fangs filling his mouth. He raced in a circle in a demented dance, knowing his fellow pack members did the same thing. Slowing, he regulated his labored breathing, forcing the icy calmness he needed to keep some semblance of reason. He peered through the dense brush. Lights from the search party bobbed in the distance. The odor, the stench of humanity, filled the clearing.

He turned, digging furiously on the ground, throwing dirt on the flames, hiding their existence. It was no good. Discovery would ruin everything. No one could live with their kind. Humans brought disease, humans brought anger, humans brought hatred. They were there; he could smell them, see their clumsy bodies invading his home. “They’ve found us,” he growled in the special language they used. “Run!” he barked as he turned to his pack, watching his friends’ naked skin transform until it was covered with the same silvered fur. They cried out in unison at the pain, howling with the injustice, and then ran in fear from the interlopers threatening their habitat.


One randomly drawn commenter will win a $50 Amazon/BN GC (international giveaway), five randomly drawn winners will win a size large Monsterland T-shirt (US only).

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Follow the tour and comment for more chances of winning. Find the tour dates HERE.

7 thoughts on “Spotlight and Giveaway: Monsterland by Michael Okon”

  1. Good morning. I always like to ask my fellow authors this question: Can you read or write when it’s noisy or do you need peace and quiet to focus as I do myself?

  2. I like the classic movie monsters meets WestWorld story premise. This excerpt – what a great werewolf transformation scene – tells me the book promises even more layers than I expected. Thanks for sharing!


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