Of synchronicity and reading goals

Do you believe in synchronicity?

Last Friday I went to the bookstore to see if they had anything by Sylvia Plath because I thought it was time for me to get acquainted with her work. Yeah, I’ve never read Plath, can you believe it??

So I went inside and immediately saw the sale tables. Of course, I headed there because, you know, BOOKS ON SALE, and I browsed for a few minutes. Then at the last table, I absentmindedly grabbed a thick book that was lying on its cover and it turned out to be a sale copy of Sylvia Plath’s The Collected Poems! How awesome, right? That was a really nice surprise from the universe, I swear. Anyway, I’ve decided that this book is going to be my first for the year.

My reading goal this year

I really want to read a lot this year because I failed miserably at last year’s reading goal. I had hoped to read at least three books a month but ended up reading only eight books. EIGHT!! And that included a 12-paged short story, which turned out to be my favorite, by the way, but not because it was short. It was actually pretty good. I’m talking about Her by Danielle Rose, by the way. Gocheckitout.

Anyway, this year I lowered my target to two books a month but, of course, I’m still hoping to read more than that. I own so many books (both physical and digital) and it saddens me that I haven’t read most of them.

I’ve too many books on hand, but here’s a sample of some of them. I’m not going to pressure myself into sticking to these or trying to read them all, though I’m hoping to at least get through half.


This list is looking huge. For me anyway. And it doesn’t even include the yoga books I want to read. GAHHH.

I don’t expect to read all of them but I’m really really hoping to get to these ones:

  1. The Collected Poems (Sylvia Plath)
  2. The Woman Who Had Two Navels and Tales of the Tropical Gothic (Nick Joaquin)
  3. A Mortal Song (Megan Crewe)
  4. Roar (Cora McCormack)
  5. Red Rising (Pierce Browne)
  6. The Casquette Girls (Alys Arden)
  7. Air Awakens (Elise Kova)
  8. Isle (Jes Dory)
  9. American Gods (Neil Gaiman)
  10. Future Shock (Elizabeth Briggs)
  11. The Silmarillion (J.R.R. Tolkien)
  12. The Beast of London (L.D. Goffigan)

Good luck to meeee. Reading slumps suckkkk.

What are your reading goals this year?

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