T-Shirt Thursday! Because it’s cool and it’s fun!

It’s been a while since my last T-Shirt Thursday, yeah? Truth be told, I haven’t been browsing my favorite graphic tee sites for a while and I really don’t buy tees that often, anyway, because I always tell myself that I need more formal-ish type tops, but then again I’ve also been trying to stop myself from buying any more clothes. I don’t need more clothes, seriously. I have too many things I don’t use – shirts, frisbee jerseys, singlets, dresses, shorts, etc. I seriously need to purge my closet again AND give away or donate the stuff I don’t use anymore. I’m embarrassed to admit this, but we (my sis and me, I mean) still have the old stuff we discarded in our last purge, which was a couple of years ago! They’re all still up in storage. MY GAHD.

ANYWAY, I’m rambling. I know I have stuff to do with my current stuff and my old stuff and I really should do something about all that this week or this month, BUT, for today, let me just share the joy I get from seeing graphic tees with seriously cool and fun art. That’s really what I love about these, anyway – the cute and awesome art!  Check out the ones that caught my eye this week.

Spooky Cat, design by obinsun (DesignbyHumans) – Hah I just love this! A cute cat and a skull! And I love that it’s just black and white on blood red. The whole thing just makes sense somehow. Very very cool.

Fortress of Solitude, design by Wytrab8 (Busted Tees) – Lookit the cute kitty cat in her (or his?) little kitty cat tower!

Psyche, design by zinn_vi (Threadless) – This looks kinda creepy and intriguing and just really cool. For some reason I love it. It would make an awesome tat, I think.

Adopt a Demodog, design by Graja (Threadless) – You’ve all seen Stranger Things, right?? Well, if you haven’t, you gotta give it a try. It’s a pretty cool show. Seriously. And this design is just as cool.

Sakura Deer, design by DrMonekers (DesignbyHumans) – I just find this design really majestic. The deer is majestic. The crown of sakura blossoms is majestic. This would make a fantastic skin ink piece, too. Just gorgeous.

That’s it for today’s T-shirt Thursday. Not a lot of designs this time, but still pretty cool stuff, right?

Images via DesignbyHumans, Busted Tees, Threadless

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