7 Things

The gorgeous Roma tagged me on this awhile back. Actually it came with a Stylish Blogger Award (me, stylish! woohoo!). I don’t know about being stylish, but I do know about random posts! I am Mastah of Random Posts! Say it with me.. Mastahhh..

Seven Random Things

1. You know that song 7 Things by Miley Cyrus? I actually like that song. I don’t like her, but I like a lot of her songs like The Climb and Party in the USA. They are very catchy, you know.

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"Eating chips alone on the couch" a.k.a. "NO REGRETS, B*TCHES!"

Since I already did T-Shirt Thursday yesterday (which was Wednesday but that doesn’t matter coz T-Shirt Thursday can fall on any other day I want and it will still have Thursday in its name even though it’s a different day and if you’re still reading this very long sentence, WOW.), I’ll just share today’s episode of Dinosaur Comics:

I also want to share this Harry Potter fanfiction piece from today’s episode of Questionable Content – check it out: Hermione and Ginny versus the Space Wizards. Read it! Read it! READ IT!

Fun webcomics are love.

Machine of Death

“The machine had been invented a few years ago: a machine that could tell, from just a sample of your blood, how you were going to die. It didn’t give you the date and it didn’t give you specifics. It just spat out a sliver of paper upon which were printed, in careful block letters, the words DROWNED or CANCER or OLD AGE or CHOKED ON A HANDFUL OF POPCORN. It let people know how they were going to die.”

Machine of Death is a collection of stories about people who knew how they were going to die. It was inspired by this episode of Dinosaur Comics. I want a printed copy but the book costs about $18 plus krayzay shipping fees, and I don’t think it’s available in our local bookstores (unless their online product lists are FULL OF LIES).

But wait! It can be downloaded here!  We are such lucky fools. I’m going to torture my eyes and start reading the ebook now.

Photo from TopatoCo

A Notebook for Artists and Doodlers

I was killing time at Fullybooked in the Powerplant Mall yesterday. I swear, I’d live there or in the BHS branch if I could. I browsed through the shelves and handled the pretty books that caught my attention, but I ended up taking my precious time in the school and office knick knacks section. Notebooks and journals galore! Oh, LOVE. I love notebooks, but I stop myself from buying stuff I don’t really need. I still have a couple of little notebooks I haven’t really used much. I used to bring one of them, but it made my bag too heavy. I miss doodling on notebooks. :S

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The Things I Do When I’m Bored Out of My Wits

As an heycharconchooltant my workload depends on the projects that come in. Sometimes I’m up to my neck in work. Other times I’m rhythmically poking my eyes out of boredom (a.k.a. “gatinusluka ug mata” for my fellow Bisaya out there). Kidding. I don’t do that poking thing, that’s nasty. But you get the point. Lucky for me, there’s a whole gamut of fun fun things I can do when I have free time at work and I have decided to list them down here because, you know, I’m bored.

So here you go. Here are the Top 5 things I do when I’m not too busy and have free time at the office.

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Let the Right One In (John Ajvide Lindqvist)

Swedish movie cover

MWAHAHA I finally found a copy of the book after searching high and low. I looked for it in National Bookstore Greenbelt 1, Powerbooks Greenbelt 4, Powerbooks Glorietta, Fullybooked Glorietta 5, before finally finding a copy in the giant Fullybooked High Street. It was the last available copy too and had a teeny weeny chip off the top corner of the cover. Fullybooked lady refused to give me a discount because the book’s “new and in demand.” That foo!

Swedish book cover

Anyway, I don’t like the cover much. It doesn’t really call me. It’s a scene from the Swedish film version. I wish they had an English version of the book with the Swedish edition cover. If I didn’t know anything about the book, the Swedish book cover is just the sort of cover that would make me want to read the book if I see it in a bookstore. Know what I mean? I’m only on the first few pages and already there’s death – bloody murder to be exact. Ooh, chilling.

Book Sales are LOVE

Look at what I found at a book sale! The Complete Guide to Sewing! I got this big, heavy, hardbound baby for 290 bucks. Sweet.  This is really is it, people. I can see myself furiously sewing lotsa crap soon. As soon as I get myself a sewing machine. Soon. Like when I have time. And money.

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The Legendeer Trilogy

Lookie at my latest find from the sale rack of National Bookstore! I got this book for only 200 bucks since it was on 50% off. Not bad, considering that it’s three books in one.

The Legendeer Trilogy by Alan Gibbons is actually for kiddies which made it a really easy read. I finished this book relatively quickly. The trilogy starts off with Shadow of the Minotaur, where Phoenix,our 14-year-old hero, discovers through a computer game called Shadow of the Minotaur that there’s a parallel world where myths and legends are real and heroes and evil are destined to battle. Phoenix also realizes that an evil force, the Gamemaster, is trying to open the gateway between that world and ours. Phoenix must play the game to stop the Gamemaster. Eentresting, yah?

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