Second Look

Oh my gosh, we have THINGS! :P

Yay we are almost done with fixing our place. On the other side of this kitchen and dining showcase are our remaining stuff to be sorted and arranged. We still have our books and bags to display or store somewhere, and our old clothes and shoes to give away, but at least we’ve gotten rid of most of the clutter. And we shopped for groceries last night so at last we have FOOD! Yayyy we will liiiive!!

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A First Look

We piled all our crap in a container van and moved them to our new apartment! Yes! Well, actually, the movers did all the piling and lifting and moving and what not. We did the pre-move stuffing of aforementioned crap into suitcases, bags, paper bags, and boxes. It took us several hours to pack away all our things.  How could one room fit so much crap?!? LOL. Anyway, it was all good. It was a pain to sort and pack, but at least we are now staying in a place all to ourselves.  Yayyy…

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Apartment # 6

Well, technically it’s apartment number 4 since the first two places I’ve lived in here in Manila were dorms. OR is it apartment number 5 since the second one was a pseudo dorm? Hmm..

Anyhoo, yes, I am moving again! I mean, WE are moving. Sister and I have been apartment hunting since August last year and finally we’ve decided on an itty-bitty studio in Makati.  It’s in an old condo around Makati’s “fun” neighborhood. Okay, it’s pretty near the red light district, but that’s not really bad. The location is convenient akshully.  The building is old, but it seems to be well-maintained and well-secured.  The unit itself wasn’t in its best state when we first saw it, but it wasn’t anything a little paint and some handy-dandy-man work couldn’t fix!  The place is not big, but it’s enough for the two of us.  At least we’ll have a lil place to ourselves for practically the same price! We have a week before we move in because the condo admin peeps are still making the place “livable” again. Seriously, the place was sad when we first saw it. Apparently, the girl who used to rent the unit didn’t stay there much because her boyfriend lived in the same building. LOL chizmax courtesy of the building’s maintenance guy. Tsk.

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7 Things

The gorgeous Roma tagged me on this awhile back. Actually it came with a Stylish Blogger Award (me, stylish! woohoo!). I don’t know about being stylish, but I do know about random posts! I am Mastah of Random Posts! Say it with me.. Mastahhh..

Seven Random Things

1. You know that song 7 Things by Miley Cyrus? I actually like that song. I don’t like her, but I like a lot of her songs like The Climb and Party in the USA. They are very catchy, you know.

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Machine of Death

“The machine had been invented a few years ago: a machine that could tell, from just a sample of your blood, how you were going to die. It didn’t give you the date and it didn’t give you specifics. It just spat out a sliver of paper upon which were printed, in careful block letters, the words DROWNED or CANCER or OLD AGE or CHOKED ON A HANDFUL OF POPCORN. It let people know how they were going to die.”

Machine of Death is a collection of stories about people who knew how they were going to die. It was inspired by this episode of Dinosaur Comics. I want a printed copy but the book costs about $18 plus krayzay shipping fees, and I don’t think it’s available in our local bookstores (unless their online product lists are FULL OF LIES).

But wait! It can be downloaded here!  We are such lucky fools. I’m going to torture my eyes and start reading the ebook now.

Photo from TopatoCo

A Notebook for Artists and Doodlers

I was killing time at Fullybooked in the Powerplant Mall yesterday. I swear, I’d live there or in the BHS branch if I could. I browsed through the shelves and handled the pretty books that caught my attention, but I ended up taking my precious time in the school and office knick knacks section. Notebooks and journals galore! Oh, LOVE. I love notebooks, but I stop myself from buying stuff I don’t really need. I still have a couple of little notebooks I haven’t really used much. I used to bring one of them, but it made my bag too heavy. I miss doodling on notebooks. :S

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Let the Right One In (John Ajvide Lindqvist)

Swedish movie cover

MWAHAHA I finally found a copy of the book after searching high and low. I looked for it in National Bookstore Greenbelt 1, Powerbooks Greenbelt 4, Powerbooks Glorietta, Fullybooked Glorietta 5, before finally finding a copy in the giant Fullybooked High Street. It was the last available copy too and had a teeny weeny chip off the top corner of the cover. Fullybooked lady refused to give me a discount because the book’s “new and in demand.” That foo!

Swedish book cover

Anyway, I don’t like the cover much. It doesn’t really call me. It’s a scene from the Swedish film version. I wish they had an English version of the book with the Swedish edition cover. If I didn’t know anything about the book, the Swedish book cover is just the sort of cover that would make me want to read the book if I see it in a bookstore. Know what I mean? I’m only on the first few pages and already there’s death – bloody murder to be exact. Ooh, chilling.

Book Sales are LOVE

Look at what I found at a book sale! The Complete Guide to Sewing! I got this big, heavy, hardbound baby for 290 bucks. Sweet.  This is really is it, people. I can see myself furiously sewing lotsa crap soon. As soon as I get myself a sewing machine. Soon. Like when I have time. And money.

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