Girls Weekend Getaway: Bantayan Island, Cebu

I flew out to Cebu the other weekend to hang out with my girlfriends for our “not always annual but we try” annual girls weekend getaway. We went to Bantayan Island, which has one of the most gorgeous beaches in the country (and the world!).

The weekend was a blast, as usual. You know how it is when you meet up with your long time friends, right? Anytime you get together it’s pretty much all laughs and crazy antics. And we were all due for some much-needed girl time and beach fix, so it was a great vacay from our usual lives.

Anyway, now I shall ramble and share some photos, yeah? Fair warning: this post turned out suuuper long. ;)

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Girls Weekend Getaway: Camiguin

Paras resort 2

Just a few days after Carpet Head and I arrived from our Euro trip, I was off to another adventure! This time it was to somewhere close to my hometown and with people dear to my heart. Last week, I flew out to my hometown Cagayan de Oro (CDO) where I met up with my soul sisters and we hopped off to the amazingly beautiful island of Camiguin! YAYYYY.

Some years back, my friends and I decided that we should organize an out-of-town girls getaway each year. We don’t always get to go out of town and we’re never complete because, you know, LIFE HAPPENS (a.k.a. weddings, babies, etc.), but we’ve had a few awesome trips. We’ve been to Cebu, Boracay and Puerto Princesa, and it’s been a couple of years since we’ve gone out of town so we’ve been planning this trip for a while.

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Of London, Rome and Paris


So we did a bit of traveling recently. First, we went to London to visit the queen. Okay, fine, we went there for the World Ultimate and Guts Championships. Carpet Head played for the Philippine Mixed Team and I was there for support. Yayyy.

To make a long story short, the Mixed Team retained their #7 seed out of 30+ teams. Not too bad really. I think the best thing about it was that Pilipinas Mixed did really well against Team USA, which was unquestionably the strongest team there – they basically owned all their matches and ended up champions. Anyhoo, I’m mighty proud of Carpet Head and the rest of Team Pilipinas. They were all awesome.

I don’t want to turn this into a really long post, so I’m going to try to keep the descriptions short and just barrage you with a few photos, yeah? I didn’t take a lot of good photos though so bear with me. Hah. I know, I suck. ;)

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A weekend at Lagen Island, El Nido Resorts

Featured image from

Got a few minutes? Good, ’cause this is a really long one. We had a five-day weekend in Manila when the Pope visited the country last month. Carpet Head and I decided to take advantage of this long weekend and go away somewhere nice. We saw a list of top 10 beautiful resorts in the Philippines (for the life of me I can’t remember the link now) and we decided to go to Lagen Island El Nido Resorts in Palawan. Gorgeous place, I tell you. It’s a bit on the pricey side, but it’s a beautiful, BEAUTIFUL place. I cannot say that enough.

There are two ways to get to El Nido from Manila. One is to take a flight via Island Transvoyager Inc. to Lio Airport in El Nido and then take a boat to the island resort you’re booked in. Another way is to take a commercial flight to Puerto Princesa, take a six-hour ride to El Nido and then take the boat to the island. Carpet Head and I decided that we didn’t want the stress of a six-hour land trip so we got the 3 PM chartered flight on Friday afternoon.

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T-House Tagaytay

Carpet Head and I headed up to Tagaytay last Thursday to stay for one night at this place called T House. We just wanted to go away for at least a day for the Holy Week and wanted to stay at a nice place. We were choosing between T House and 8 Suites. What won us over was the food selection at T House. Hah. Show us the noms and we’re there!

The place is just along Calamba Road in Tagaytay City. Coming from Sta. Rosa Road, you turn left on Calamba Road. T House is on the left side so you don’t get a view of the lake and all that, but it doesn’t matter really. The place is really nice, even sans any stunning landscape view.

Can’t say any more so just check out the photos. Yayyyy.

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