Mid-Year Report: Checking in!

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I just realized it’s already July and we’re halfway through the year. Thought I should do a mid-year report of some sort just to lay out how my year has been. Also, I wanted to blog about something personal to balance out all the book spotlights I’ve been doing for the last few weeks. I admit, all those bookish posts are a sign of how lazy I am to blog about other things.

Anyway, not gonna ramble long about that. So, I’m basing this mid-year check on my new year post last January. Here we go!

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Hey, 2017! Yayyy.

Hey, folks! Here we are again, aren’t we? It’s theĀ start of another year and I’m sure most of us are just bursting with plans and goals. Well, I hope you guys are because I think it’s always a good thing whether we get around to doing them or not. You’ve got to have something to start on to start, right? Or whatever hahahhh.

Anyway, I do have a few goal-like things (hah!), some of which are kinda the same or similar to the plans and goals I’ve had for the last few years. Hey, I don’t like giving up! But I’ve learned to makeĀ things simpler and a little more specific. I mean, “SMART” goals, right? Well, I try.

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