Review: Submerged by Cheryl Kaye Tardif

A few weeks ago I had a blog tour stop for the book Submerged by author Cheryl Kaye Tardif. I finished the book a few days after I posted the tour stop, but only got around to doing my review now. Here it is!

About the book

Two strangers submerged in guilt, brought together by fate…

After a tragic car accident claims the lives of his wife, Jane, and son, Ryan, Marcus Taylor is immersed in grief. But his family isn’t the only thing he has lost. An addiction to painkillers has taken away his career as a paramedic. Working as a 911 operator is now the closest he gets to redemption—until he gets a call from a woman trapped in a car.

Rebecca Kingston yearns for a quiet weekend getaway, so she can think about her impending divorce from her abusive husband. When a mysterious truck runs her off the road, she is pinned behind the steering wheel, unable to help her two children in the back seat. Her only lifeline is a cell phone with a quickly depleting battery and a stranger’s calm voice on the other end telling her everything will be all right. — Goodreads.

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Blog Tour & Giveaway: Submerged by Cheryl Kaye Tardif

Today, we’re featuring Submerged by author Cheryl Kaye Tardif. I’m currently reading the book and it’s pretty interesting so far. I’ll be posting my review soon! For now, read more about the book and see if it’s something you’d be interested in!

Cheryl’s holding a tour giveaway, so don’t forget to check that out as well!

From Cheryl Kaye Tardif, the international bestselling author that brought you CHILDREN OF THE FOG, comes a terrifying new thriller that will leave you breathless…

“Submerged reads like an approaching storm, full of darkness, dread and electricity. Prepare for your skin to crawl.” —Andrew Gross, New York Times bestselling author of 15 Seconds

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