I Am Gravity by Henry Herz (author) and Mercè López (illustrator) [Review]

I Am Gravity

Today I have the lovely picture book I Am Gravity by author Henry Herz and illustrator Mercè López.

It’s been a while since I’ve had a children’s book or picture book here on the blog. I’m happy to be featuring this one though, especially since it’s basically a science book, too.

I Am Gravity

I Am Gravity

by Henry Herz (author), Mercè López (illustrator)

What reaches everywhere and never tires? Pulling on feathers and galaxies alike? Holding the mighty Milky Way together? Gravity, of course!

Told in lyrical, riddling first-person narrative, Gravity boasts of its essential role in life as we know it—from the pulling of the ocean’s tides to the vastness of the stars in the sky.

Back matter about the science of gravity and major historical discoveries enhances the book for STEM learning. I Am Gravity is lushly illustrated by Mercè López, the award-winning artist of the acclaimed I Am Smoke.

Purchase links here.

Beautiful text, beautiful illustrations

Off the bat, I Am Gravity is a beautiful book. It’s nicely written and illustrated wonderfully.

I think it was a great decision to write a book about gravity as if it was gravity talking to the readers. Gravity is such a big concept and can be difficult to explain, but this book presents it in a simple, informative and charming way. The book manages to show how gravity, though invisible, is everywhere and in everything–from a butterfly landing or whale diving to mighty galaxies and blackholes. The poetic text is then accompanied by gorgeous illustrations covering the pages from edge to edge.

I think for younger kids, a guided reading would be best, where someone can talk about some of the concepts more. Honestly, I think this is such a good science book to have for young curious learners.

I Am Gravity is a wonderfully written and beautifully illustrated picture book that can be appreciated by kids and grownups alike.

Note: I received a review e-copy of this book. All opinions and views expressed here are my own.

About Henry Herz and Mercè López

Henry Herz wrote the traditionally published picture books: MONSTER GOOSE NURSERY RHYMES (Pelican, 2015; Best Picture Book at SoCal SCBWI Editor’s Day), WHEN YOU GIVE AN IMP A PENNY (Pelican, 2016), MABEL AND THE QUEEN OF DREAMS (Schiffer, 2016; Finalist, Foreword Indies Best Picture Book), LITTLE RED CUTTLEFISH (Pelican, 2016), CAP’N REX & HIS CLEVER CREW (Sterling, 2017), GOOD EGG AND BAD APPLE (Schiffer, 2018), HOW THE SQUID GOT TWO LONG ARMS (Pelican, 2018), ALICE’S MAGIC GARDEN (Familius, 2018), 2 PIRATES + 1 ROBOT (Kane Miller, 2019), I AM SMOKE (Tilbury House, 2021, ALA Children’s Notable Book), and I AM GRAVITY (Tilbury House, 2024).

Henry’s short stories for children and adults will/have appeared in Daily Science Fiction, Weird Tales, Pseudopod, Metastellar, Highlights for Children, Ladybug Magazine, and anthologies from Albert Whitman & Co., Blackstone Publishing, Brigid’s Gate Press, Air and Nothingness Press, Baen Books, Titan Books, and elsewhere. He has curated and edited seven anthologies. (from Goodreads)

Mercè López was born in Barcelona, Spain, in the month of April, and that’s why she likes the warm sun of spring so much. In autumn fourteen years ago, she illustrated her first book. Since then, she has created art for more than thirty books. She loves swimming in summer while looking at the fish around her, and she loves reading on rainy winter days. She finds inspiration in travel, friends, music, and Japanese martial arts. (from Goodreads)

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Monster Goose Nursery Rhymes

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About the book

Zelda loves to talk. She always asks a million questions and her head is full of words like apple, bunny, cartwheel and dwizzledoodle. But when a sudden storm turns Zelda’s world upside down, all her words go silent. Zelda must embark on a quest across mountains, forests and oceans to find her parents—and her voice.

This moving tale about loss and hope will tug at your heartstrings. Author Chantal Fournier’s poetic storytelling style and illustrator Nicolas Lajeunesse’s evocative artwork combine to create a poignant story in which a child discovers comfort in the power of words.

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