Music Monday: Bullet Dumas

Bullet-Dumas-headshotMan, I had this post drafted up months ago, but didn’t have (or make) time to finish it. Well, lookie, it’s finally up.

So, have I told you about this guy yet? Wait, I did. I wrote about this guy back in 2012 right after I saw him perform live for the first time. Well, guess what? He released his first EP a few months ago! Say it with me, YAYYYY.

Everytime I see this guy, one scene plays in my mind and it has nothing to do with music. Back in 2012, I went with Carpet Head and Team Pilipinas to Singapore for the Singapore Ultimate Open. I had with me Carpet Head’s fancy schmancy DSL camera with the paparazzi lens attached, this huge and super heavy long lens thing. During one of the games, Bullet executed an awesome Callaghan point and I failed to capture the moment with my big ass high tech camera! Big camera-woman fail on my end. I haven’t forgotten that.

Anyway, back to Monsieur Bullet and his music. His single Pssst!  has been on the airwaves for some time now. His music is also on iTunes, Amplify, Spotify, Soundcloud, and Bandcamp. Check check checkitout.

Website | Facebook | Twitter | InstagramSoundcloud | Bandcamp | iTunes

Okay, I was going to leave you with a Soundcloud player of one of his songs, but I couldn’t figure out how to embed the thing. Never mind! Go to Soundcloud and listen to some of Bullet’s music for FREE!

Music Monday: Long Live Original Pinoy Music!

About time I post about music again on this wretched blog. And I have the perfect reason.

After a gazillion years, I finally experienced live music again last weekend. Last Sat, a bunch of us went to Conspiracy Garden Cafe to watch one of our disc friends, Bullet Dumas, ultimate player extraordinaire and musical genius (o ha?), perform with a bunch of other music geniuses. The awesomeness of these insanely talented people is just downright krayzay.

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