Wuthering Heights

I’m currently reading Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. I’ve always wanted to read this not only because it’s a great classic, but also because it’s hailed as one of the most unique gothic novels of its time. I once bought one of those Reader’s Digest compilation of condensed books of gothic literature and I found it quite interesting. It’s so different from what we think as gothic these days. I guess it’s because things were so different back then. I’ve also been interested in the genre ever since I took a course on romantic literature in college. Romantic lit is really not we think it is. I mean, the one book we discussed in class was Bram Stoker’s Dracula. How’s that for romantic. Although, some may argue that it IS the original vampire-loves-mortal-waif romance.

Anyway, my desire to read Wuthering Heights was fueled more when I saw this deluxe edition by Penguin Books. Pretty! The cover is by artist Ruben Toledo.

I also saw a different edition which targeted the Bella-Edward fans. It says “Love Never Dies” and “Bella and Edward’s favorite book” on the cover. GREAT.

I didn’t buy any of these fancy editions though. I found a paperback version with a beautiful cover for only 175 bucks. Hah. Down with capitalism! LOL.

So, I’m reading this book now but I’m still on the first chapter. The old English is a challenge, but it’s beautiful.