Today we’re featuring The Boon: Thoughts of a Schizophrenic in Remission by Eugene Uttley.
Read more about the book and find out how you can enter his ongoing giveaway for a chance to win a $30 Barnes & Noble gift card and 10 copies of The Boon!
About the book
Accompany Eugene Uttley on a mythological “hero’s journey” to another world and back again, and join him as he articulates the prize that he won there — The Ultimate Boon.
Through his struggles in coping with schizophrenia, Uttley has come to know what he wants. Now he just needs to figure out how to get it.
This experimental open letter includes original and appropriated prose, poetry, song, prayer… memoir, travelogue, sketches of Uttley’s present-day life, and literary exegesis. Its many sources and topics are ranging, but circle always back to the overarching theme of recovery from mental illness through better knowledge of self and becoming more whole, a complex process both mental and spiritual, which entails increasing awareness of connectedness to the greater whole, the infinite.
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