Today we have a Top 10 list by Jennings Wright author of fantasy novel Ixeos. I’m a fantasy nut so I asked her who her Top 10 science fiction and fantasy characters are. Read on to know which literary characters made it to her list! Then read on to know more about her fantasy book Ixeos and join the tour giveaway at the end of this post! :)
jennings wright
Book Blast & $50 Giveaway: Ixeos by Jennings Wright
The McClellands are enjoying a lazy summer vacation at the beach when they are lured from our world into Ixeos, an alternate Earth. Finding themselves lost in a maze of tunnels under Paris and surrounded by strangers, they discover that they have been brought to Ixeos for one purpose: to take the planet back from humanoid aliens who have claimed it. With the aid of the tunnels and a mysterious man named Landon, the teens travel the world seeking the key that will allow them to free Darian, the long-imprisoned rebel leader. But the aliens aren’t the only problem on Ixeos — the McClellands have to deal with brutal gangs, desperate junkies, and a world without power, where all the technology is owned by the aliens, and where most of the population has been killed or enslaved. The worst part? There’s no way home. — Amazon * Barnes & Noble