Feeling meh and other things (it’s just me rambling)

workdesk flatlay

Happy 2019, friends!

Oh, I know, it’s already April. Just thought I’d post about something so I can actually have something new on this blog.

Feeling meh about stuff

So, how’s your year so far? I’m assuming that unlike me you’ve fully said your goodbyes to 2018 and have done all your prep and planning for 2019. I mean, you know, you’ve done whatever it is that you usually do at the start of each year. I hope you’re doing better than me when it comes to that. It’s already April (my birth month!) and I haven’t really done anything.

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Alphabetical Advice Challenge

I used to do writing challenges at my now defunct writing blog. This is a repost of one of my writing challenges from over two years ago. The writing prompt was to make a list of alphabetical advice. After I wrote the post, I realized that the tips or advice I wrote were things that I try to go by or would give to myself. Check them out.

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A letter from May 27th 2012

So just got an email from myself from May of last year via futureme.org. I completely forgot about writing this letter and it just made me smile right now. Here is what the Me in May 2012 had to say to the Me today.

Well, well. I sent this around the time when I was just starting out with the whole freelance thing. I love that I was so positive and eager! Looking at the five points mentioned in my letter, I assess my current score to be about 2.5 out of those five. I don’t feel so bad about that though.

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And so we count down to Plan B

Folks, I quit my job. There I said it.  Consider this the official announcement. Hah. I filed my notice early last week. Anyway, so there. By the end of August, I will be jobless. Hah. I have been thinking of upping and going for the last year or so but just couldn’t do it because I didn’t have another job waiting in the wings. This time, I’ve decided leaving is still the best move for me even without the shiny new job. Why stay when you’re clearly ready to move on, right? It was just a decision I had to make. [cue motivational music]

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