Quick review: Blink (a novelette by Lloyd Poast)

Time to play review catch up! Meaning, my posts in the next following days are all book reviews! Yay. And today we shall start with a little novelette.

Blink by Lloyd Poast is a short novel so this is going to be a short review! I’d like to thank the author for the opportunity to review his novelette and I also apologize for taking forever in posting this review.

In Blink, we read about Lance who had quite an adventure when he decided to enter the “scary” woods. Nobody ever goes to the woods, but Lance just couldn’t resist following the magical purple top hat that seemed to be calling to him. In less than twenty pages, we read about the interesting characters he met and the magical otherworld that he found himself in. Blink is a fast-paced fantasy ride. It feels like a rollercoaster ride–fast, confusing, amusing, fun. I think it’s perfect as a short story. If you want a quick fantasy fix, this is something you can consider.

Read more about Blink on Goodreads .

I received a review copy of this book at no cost and with no obligations. All opinions and views expressed are my own.