Watch eeeet: Stories I wish I had written [contains stuff about old movies]

There are times when you encounter a story that’s so trippy and interesting and totally something you dig, and you just can’t help but wish that you wrote that story or that you can write something as close to fantastic as that story. I mean, you know what I mean, right? It could be a book or a movie – anything really – that makes you wish you thought of it first.

I haven’t been much of a reader for the last year or so, so these fantastic stories I’m referring to are actually movies that I’ve seen in the last few months. Just a warning, this post may contain some spoilers so if you haven’t seen any of these films – do a quick scroll, hurry! – and don’t want to know what happens in these movies, I suggest you turn away from this post now. Turn away, friend, and save yourself from, er, spoilers about old movies. Amsorrehhh..

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About a Movie: Mockingjay Part 2

Carpet Head and I managed to go to the movies for two consecutive nights this week, thanks to the special holidays brought on by the APEC Summit. We watched Mockingjay Part 2 the first night and Spectre on the next. Woot. I was going to write about both movies, but I realized they deserve separate posts. So this one’s just about Mockingjay. Duh.

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Books to Movies: Safe Haven

31 Days Books to Movies Safe Haven

Safe Haven bookFirst, the basic info. The book Safe Haven was written by author Nicholas Sparks. The movie came out in 2013 and starred Josh Duhamel, Julianne Hough, Cobie Smulders, and David Lyons.

What’s the story? A woman on the run finds herself in a small town and decides to stay a while. She finds a place to stay, gets a job as a waitress, and meets some of the townsfolk – including a tall handsome store owner and his two kids. Things seem to go pretty well until her past catches up with her.

Which one did I experience first? The movie, which I watched in the cinema with my sister. I didn’t even bother asking Carpet Head if he wanted to watch it with me. When I told him I was going out with my sister to watch it, he was just like, “Meh, okay. Have fun.” LOL.

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Rambling about Iron Man 3

I know, the movie’s been out for a while, but I had to post something movie-related again.

Robert Downey, Jr. as Tony Stark a.k.a Iron Man NEVER. GETS. OLD.

Boom. That’s it. That’s my review of Iron Man 3 right there.

Right, so maybe I should say more. Okay, this is going to be very ‘rambly’ and probably chock-full of punctuation errors (em dash spree!) and ditzy expressions, so brace yourselves. No spoilers though, so no worries. You’ve seen the trailer, right?

So, the movie was pretty great. I think most people agree with that. Even those who haven’t seen it yet will agree to that. It was entertaining and funny and full of Robert Downey, Jr. goodness. If you didn’t like the movie, I don’t know, maybe it’s not your thing, that’s fine. Anyway, it was great, but I would just like to mention three things that always amazes me to bits everytime an Iron Man movie comes out.

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Movie Review: Beautiful Creatures

I know it’s been a while since the movie adaptation of popular young adult novel Beautiful Creatures came out, but I’ve decided that this blog needs more movie posts. So doing movie reviews (or attempting to) is another not-so-shiny new item on my long long list of writing to-do’s (which is currently somewhat neglected, by the way, but we’ll talk about that another time).  Let’s get it on, shall we?

I haven’t read the book so this is obviously not going to be a book-to-movie post. Maybe I’ll come back to this if or when I’ve read the book. I’ve read mixed reviews about this one and I may pass on it, but I’m kind of curious about it, too. We shall see. Or not.

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Yes, it is absolutely vital that I post about Safe Haven.

It really is. Absolutely vital, I mean.

Yes, yes, I know I haven’t been posting much about movies and I feel awful, but really this post is just an excuse to talk about Safe Haven, the latest movie based on a Nicholas Sparks book. That Nick, you know. He’s damn good with making stories that make women like me feel warm and fuzzy and obsessed with cool soundtracks (huh?). Although I haven’t read most of your charming novels, I heart you, Nicholas Sparks, I do. But not as much as I heart Josh Duhamel. Yes. That man.

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Guest Post: The 3 Prettiest Films

Hey, it’s been ages since I posted about movies. Admittedly, Carpet Head and I haven’t been going to the cinemas as often as we used to. We’ve been having too much fun staying in and just watching TV or DVDs. Of course, we did manage to catch the must-see ones. You know which ones I’m talking about. The last three movies we watched together were The Avengers, The Amazing Spiderman and The Dark Knight Rises–all totally EPIC, incredibly AWESOME, and INSANE.

Why yes, I enjoyed them immensely, how’d you guess? I can’t say how much these movies ruled, especially the last two, but I’m not going to go raving about them now. Right now I turn over the floor–er, blog–to Samantha, who is my awesome guest today. Read about her top 3 prettiest (and awesome) films. Take it away, Sam. (Can I call you, Sam?)

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Of new year’s eve movie marathons and a new online find

New Year’s Eve movie marathons

I’m not sure when it started, but for a few years now, a movie marathon has become a new year’s eve/day thing at our house. We’ve had The Lord of the Rings running consistently now. On some years, we threw in a couple of the Starwars flicks when LOTR was done. We usually start any time between the day before new year’s eve or on the day itself or right after the midnight celebration. This year I started it early just because. Watched it a few days ago. LOTR still rocks after all these years.

“But the fat hobbit, he knowsss…”

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