Where my WriMos at? How are you doing with your projects? I hope you’re all doing okay. Moi, on the other hand – I’m kind of failing this challenge. Hah. Coming into November, I had a whole bunch of ideas I didn’t really know what to do with and I changed my initial story a couple of days ago and I wrote about 200 words as an intro. Tada! Seriously though, I’m not broken up about it. My goal for NaNo is to just come out with a good outline that I can work on beyond this month’s madness. :)
Anyway, thought I’d share this nice little infographic by Grammarly. During last year’s NaNoWriMo, Grammarly worked with about 500 writers from 54 countries to crowdsource a novel. They then analyzed the resulting 40,000 or so words and uncovered some common writing mistakes. Find a summary of the top five in the infographic below! Plus, read more about Grammarly’s Novel Ideas Competition!
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