Hullo! Time for another two-month recap of my crazy I-quit-you-corporate-Imma-work-at-home-like-a-boss life. Yeahboy. So, um, here’s the deal, Sparky. There hasn’t been any major change to my current freelancing situation. HAH. I know, right? It’s crazy. It really is.
Anyway, let me go back to the little plans I had back in early September when I hit a teeny weeny bump on the road to freelance greatness. I didn’t really say it back then, but I found myself in a slump-ish type of condition. I was kind of in a what-am-doing-with-my-life state for a moment there.
I had some to-do’s back in September as an attempt to get back into my Dizzizit It’s Time To Fly mode.