It’s release day for Fantastic Creatures, an anthology of stories about magical monsters, and today I have for you a quick review of the book plus the details on all the fun things that The Fellowship of Fantasy has in store for us to celebrate the release of this awesome collection!
Meet the authors at the open house-style Facebook party today (Nov 17) from 3:30 – 7 pm and get a peek at the fantastic creatures highlighted in their stories. There will be fun, games, and, of course, DRAGONS!
These fabulous authors have also prepared a Fantastic Creatures Scavenger Hunt from Nov 17-20th. The scavenger hunt has twelve stops featuring a post with exclusive content from one of our authors and maybe even a mini-giveaway. Visit all the stops and collect the clues for a chance to win a Kindle Fire plus a 12-book digital library!
Read on to know more about this anthology then scroll down for the Scavenger Hunt rules and stops. Enjoy! :)