This month I’m in a writing workshop called 15 Days of Writing True, created by one of my favorite writers and surfer girl crushes, Camille Pilar, and the amazing Sofia Cope, who I only discovered because of this workshop. If you’ve heard of Camille and Sofia, then you’ll know how utterly breathtaking their individual works are and you’ll understand when I say that, together, they created a workshop that is all kinds of beautiful. I mean, seriously. Camille’s exquisite words and Sofia’s gorgeous art together? It’s truly sublime.
writing challenge
5 Mistakes to Avoid in Your NaNoWriMo Novel [Infographic]
Where my WriMos at? How are you doing with your projects? I hope you’re all doing okay. Moi, on the other hand – I’m kind of failing this challenge. Hah. Coming into November, I had a whole bunch of ideas I didn’t really know what to do with and I changed my initial story a couple of days ago and I wrote about 200 words as an intro. Tada! Seriously though, I’m not broken up about it. My goal for NaNo is to just come out with a good outline that I can work on beyond this month’s madness. :)
Anyway, thought I’d share this nice little infographic by Grammarly. During last year’s NaNoWriMo, Grammarly worked with about 500 writers from 54 countries to crowdsource a novel. They then analyzed the resulting 40,000 or so words and uncovered some common writing mistakes. Find a summary of the top five in the infographic below! Plus, read more about Grammarly’s Novel Ideas Competition!
National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) 2015
So, on a whim, I decided to sign up for NaNoWriMo. For those who don’t know, NaNoWriMo or National Novel Writing Month is exactly what it sounds like – a whole month of novel writing. For the whole of November, participants (attempt to) work on a 50,000-word novel.
Holy buffoonery, Batman.
Alphabetical Advice Challenge
I used to do writing challenges at my now defunct writing blog. This is a repost of one of my writing challenges from over two years ago. The writing prompt was to make a list of alphabetical advice. After I wrote the post, I realized that the tips or advice I wrote were things that I try to go by or would give to myself. Check them out.
How Writing Has Positively Influenced My Life
There’s a contest about this topic over at Positive Writer. Fat chance I’ll win because the number of entries to these contests is ridiculous, but this is a good writing exercise and we must practice our writing, mustn’t we, precious? Plus the dude with the glasses in the photo above has convinced me it’s worth a try. Thank you, dude with glasses. Look at him, he’s got a light bulb on his finger.
31 Days of Books to Movies
I like books and I like movies and I’m not one to make a big fuss when books are made into movies. I like seeing the differences between a book and its film adaptation. Sometimes I like the book more and sometimes I like the movie version more. It’s not that big of a deal for me when a movie (or the book for that matter) fails miserably to meet expectations. Sure, I get disappointed but I try to be cool and be all “my hair don’t care” about it. Honestly, it’s much easier to move on from a bad movie than when a movie turns out to be just as epic (or more) than the book or the other way around! Now, epic things like that stay with me for a long time. You know what I mean. ;)
So, for the next 31 Days, it’s all going to be about books and their movie adaptations. Every. Single. Day. Hopefully. That’s the plan. I hope I don’t miss a day. Yayyyy..